SQL Data Compare 8

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover SQL Data Compare 8, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Comparing the data of two tables in the same database

For testing and data sanitization reasons, you may want to compare data in two similar tables in the same database.

To do this, specify the same server and database names in the project on the left and right sides. Next, click on the tables and views tab, and map together the tables that you want to compare.

If the tables are already mapped, unmap them by clicking the table on the left side, and the table on the right side, and click Unmap, then map them together.

If the columns of the tables are named differently, it may be necessary to map the individual columns together as well.

You should ensure that the datatypes of the columns that you map together are the same, or at least similar. For instance, it is possible to map together CHAR and NVARCHAR columns, int and tinyint columns, and decimal and float columns.

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