SQL Estate Manager

Release notes

Data Classification preview feature has been removed from SQL Estate Manager. If you were interested in this functionality, we encourage you to join our Data Catalog early access program.

1.1.11 - August 20th 2018


  • Data Classification preview feature has been removed from SQL Estate Manager. If you were interested in this functionality, we encourage you to join our Data Catalog early access program.

1.1.9 - July 9th 2018


  • Inventory registration feature has been implemented through API in SQL Estate Manager vNext Web UI.

1.1.8 - June 27st 2018


  • Optimised the performance of SQL Estate Manager vNext Web UI. When metadata about instances or databases are requested, instead of retrieving this metadata from the requested live instances/databases, it is now retrieved from an in-memory cache.


  • Environment tagging feature has been implemented for SQL Estate Manager vNext Web UI. Users can be able to tag the SQL Server instances in the inventory by environment.

1.1.7 - June 21st 2018


  • Fixed type initialisation exception in ExtentPlaceholderCreator that's raised during database maintenance after installing a new version of SQL Estate Manager (zendesk issue 114425).

1.1.6 - June 12th 2018


  • Significant performance improvement for many operations in the Data Classification Web UI.
  • Improved platform compatibility. - May 23rd 2018


  • Users are now able to see the number of suggestions on databases screen and navigate directly to suggestions list.
  • The databases on the databases screen are now ordered by the number of suggestions in the database.
  • We now display the fully-qualified host name of SQL Server instances.
  • Added settings page.
  • Users are now able to download the latest log file from settings page.
  • The "Apply suggestions" and "Apply changes" buttons are now always visible in the Suggestions and Columns pages.
  • Added columns' sensitivity label distribution at instance level. Users will now be able to see how their columns are labelled for all databases in a particular instance, allowing better control at a higher level.


  • Fixed an issue involving duplicate instances. This builds upon an earlier fix in 1.1.3, whereby we've found a situation where an instance could be manually added more than once. - May 5th 2018


  • Data Classification Web UI can now be launched from the SQL Estate Manager desktop application when Data Discovery and Classification feature is enabled. - April 23rd 2018


  • SQL Estate Manager Data Classification Web UI now displays the instance name for databases list view.
  • Details of database connection errors (e.g. incorrect credentials) are now made available in the UI.


  • Fixes an issue where SQL Estate Manager Data Classification Web UI was ignoring the connection port setting when establishing a connection to a monitored SQL Server instance that had been configured with a non-default port.
  • Fixes an issue where SQL Estate Manager Web UI doesn't show all table names within the table filter for the columns inside the Data Classification workflow.
  • Resolves the issue of showing duplicate SQL Server Instances inside the Data Classification Web UI in cases when an instance has been added both manually and by an automatic domain scan - April 16th 2018


  • Fixes the issue of SQL Estate Manager Data Classification Web UI failing for the sessions when the first time authentication also happens.
  • Fixes the issue of SQL Estate Manager Data Classification Web UI failing to open under IE 11.
  • SQL Estate Manager Data Classification Web UI now correctly handles directly serving the non-root URL paths. - April 9th 2018

Features - March 12th 2018


  • Added a new Environment label for DEVELOPMENT environments
  • By default SQL Estate Manager will now Detect SQL Servers on workstations, Load Advanced Database Object Details, and will not load Server Information, when taking snapshots. - February 20th 2018


  • SEM issue 231: Case sensitivity issues cause monitoring to fail when the specified instance name of a SQL Server instance doesn't match the casing of its actual name. - January 31st 2018


  • First public release of Redgate SQL Estate Manager.

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