These pages cover SQL Monitor 10, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

WMI over WinRM

SQL Monitor allows you to choose between using WinRM over HTTP or HTTPS.

You can set this when adding the entity by clicking on the "Edit properties" link at the bottom of the Machine side:


Port 5985 must be enabled on the monitored server for WinRM HTTP. SeeHow to Configure WinRM for HTTP.

Note: for most systems this is enabled by default and has a default listener. If you use an IP address to add
          your entity, further configuration may be required for this option, or you can use HTTPS.


Port 5986 must be enabled on the monitored server for WinRM HTTPS. SeeHow to configure WinRM for HTTPS.

Note: you can use a self-signed certificate for evaluation purposes, but for production we recommend a proper SSL certificate. 

Changing to WinRM after adding the entity

If you have already added an entity and want to change to using WinRM, click on the Edit credentials link for the entity on
the Configuration > Monitored servers page, then click on Edit properties at the bottom of the Windows Host side and
select the WinRM of your choice:

Troubleshooting WinRM

If Monitor is unable to connect via WinRM, you can test the connection through the following powershell:

# Enter machine monitoring credentials. 
#  These should be the same as the base monitor service account if
#  no machine credentials are specified for the machine in SQL Monitor
$credentials = Get-Credential

$cimoptions = New-CimSessionOption -UseSsl -SkipRevocationCheck -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck

$session = New-CimSession -Credential $credentials -SessionOption $cimoptions -Port 5986 -ComputerName ""

Get-CimInstance -CimSession $session -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem

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