SQL Monitor 10

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover SQL Monitor 10, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Resetting your SQL Monitor password

Only administrators can reset SQL Monitor passwords. 

Resetting standard and read-only user passwords

If you're a standard, read-only, or report user and you've forgotten your password, contact a SQL Monitor administrator. Administrators can change passwords by following the instructions under Editing user roles in Managing user roles.

Resetting administrator passwords

If SQL Monitor is configured to authenticate with Active Directory, and you're locked out of your Active Directory administrator account, see the Unable to access administrator account troubleshooting page.

To reset the administrator password, you need to delete the password stored in the SQL Monitor database.

  1. Log in to the SQL Server instance that hosts the SQL Monitor database.
    In Management Studio (or equivalent SQL editing tool), run:

    1. USE RedGateMonitor
    2. GO
    3. DELETE FROM settings.UserAccount WHERE UserName = 'admin'

    where RedGateMonitor is the name of the SQL Monitor database.

  2. On the machine where the SQL Monitor website is installed, open a web browser and paste the URL for SQL Monitor into your browser address bar (e.g. http://MyServer.mydomain:8080).

    If your browser displays a message asking if you want to repost the data, ignore it. Reposting will enter the password you have just deleted.
  3. The Create Administrator password page is displayed. Enter a new administrator password.

The new administrator password is set.

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Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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