These pages cover SQL Monitor 10, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.
Published 17 August 2020
Creates an alert suppression window object.
- New-SqlMonitorAlertSuppressionWindow -NonRecurring -Name <string> -AlertTypeGroupToSuppress <AlertSuppressionAlertTypeGroupToSuppress> -AlertSuppressionLevel <AlertSuppressionLevel> -Start <datetime> -Duration <timespan> [-BaseMonitor <BaseMonitor>] [-Targets <MonitoredObject[]>] [-Id <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
- New-SqlMonitorAlertSuppressionWindow -Weekly -Name <string> -AlertTypeGroupToSuppress <AlertSuppressionAlertTypeGroupToSuppress> -AlertSuppressionLevel <AlertSuppressionLevel> -StartTime <timespan> -Duration <timespan> -Days <DayOfWeek[]> [-BaseMonitor <BaseMonitor>] [-Targets <MonitoredObject[]>] [-Id <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
- New-SqlMonitorAlertSuppressionWindow -Monthly -Name <string> -AlertTypeGroupToSuppress <AlertSuppressionAlertTypeGroupToSuppress> -AlertSuppressionLevel <AlertSuppressionLevel> -StartTime <timespan> -Duration <timespan> -Day <DayOfWeek> -ScheduleSetPosition <AlertSuppressionScheduleSetPosition> [-BaseMonitor <BaseMonitor>] [-Targets <MonitoredObject[]>] [-Id <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates an alert suppression window that can be used to suppress alerts or their notifications within one or more specified windows of time, for specific monitored servers.
Indicates a non-recurring window.
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | False |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Indicates a weekly recurring window.
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | False |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Indicates a monthly recurring window.
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | False |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Unique name for the window
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Type of alerts that will be affected by this alert suppression window
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Indicates the suppression level during this alert suppression window
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Date and time for the start of the non-recurring alert suppression window
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Start time for the weekly and montly alert suppression window
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Duration of the alert suppression window
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Days in which the weekly alert suppression window will be active
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Day in which the monthly alert suppression window will be active
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Relative week in which the monthly alert suppression window will be active
Aliases | None |
Required? | true |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Base monitor to which the alert suppression will belong to. If not provided will try to be inferred from the given Targets
Aliases | None |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Target monitored objects to which the window will be applied to. The targets must belong to the same base monitor. Supported objects are: Cluster, Machines, SqlServer Instances, Azure Sql Server, Azure Sql Databases
Aliases | None |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Undefined Id field for compatibility. No value should be passed here.
Aliases | None |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.
You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.
Return values
The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
- $targets = Get-SqlMonitorMachine | where Name -like 'prod*'
- $weekendWindow = New-SqlMonitorAlertSuppressionWindow -Weekly `
- -Name 'Weekend window' `
- -AlertTypeGroupToSuppress 'AllAlerts' `
- -AlertSuppressionLevel 'AlertsAndNotifications' `
- -StartTime '08:00' `
- -Duration '01:30' `
- -Days 'Saturday','Sunday' `
- -Targets $targets