SQL Monitor 9

Help for older versions available.

SQL Monitor 9.0 Release Notes


When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every two weeks that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number, such as v9.0.9. So if you’ve identified a particular feature from the release notes that you need, you can download the relevant build.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed, it’s best to use a quarterly minor version release, identified by a two-part version number such as v9.1.
  • Annual major releases (such as v9.0) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA

Version 9.0.20 - July 17, 2019


  • Expanded API to allow enabling or disabling alerts at the Azure Elastic Pool level
  • Server Overview permissions display now shows latest sample before window end, and displays time of sample

Version 9.0.19 - July 10, 2019


  • Expanded API to allow enabling or disabling alerts at the Machine, SQL Instance, Cluster, Availability Group, Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Job level


  • SRP-12057 Long Running Query now filters on both Command type and SQL text
  • SRP-11977 Global Overview alert feed no longer shows alert counts for servers unavailable to users
  • SRP-12074 Permissions sampling no longer crashes when encountering circular groups in AD

Version 9.0.18 - June 26, 2019


  • The server overview now allows you to view SQL Server sysadmins, serveradmins and securityadmins


  • Fixed an issue with backup overdue alerts on availability groups

Version 9.0.17 - June 20, 2019

This replaces version 9.0.16.  Users on experiencing performance issues with 9.0.16 should upgrade to this version.


  • SRP-11899 Increase reliability of "Add SQL Server" test button
  • SRP-12025 Error when loading top queries on server overview page when more than one query has the same SQL handle

Version 9.0.15 - June 12, 2019



  • SRP-11807 Old job failure alerts duplicated after restart

Version 9.0.14 - June 5th, 2019


  • The API for configuring alerts via powershell is now multiple base monitor aware
  • The API now allows enabling or disabling alerts at the database level


  • SRP-11947 - Allow bypassing SSL authentication when generating report PDFs for e-mail

Version 9.0.13 - May 23th, 2019


  • Exclude specific SQL Server Error Log Entry alerts by Severity, Error number and Error message
  • SRP-11799 Introduces new job cancelled alert and stops the existing job failing alert being raised for cancelled jobs
  • SNMP now allows for multiple targets to be specified with a comma separated list
  • The "data purging" page has been renamed to "data retention" for clarity

Version 9.0.12 - May 15th, 2019


  •  Restore base monitor version incorrect page
  •  SRP-11674 Report SQL Command for all blocking processes even if they were sleeping when sampled
  •  SRP-11922 Fix issue with failing secondary base monitors causing website failures
  •  SRP-11926 Fixed timezone adjustment on Estate - SQL Agent Jobs page summary graph

Version 9.0.11 - May 8th, 2019



  • SRP-11895 Fix issues with AG's that require Read-Write connections instead of Read Only connections
  • Show unable to connect to base monitor if starting website without base service (instead of redirecting)
  • Show database upgrade progress if upgrade steps did not complete in installer
  • SRP-11785 Reduce frequency of querying availability group DMVs

Version 9.0.10 - May 1st, 2019


  • New global options to allow sending emails by alert severity - e.g. Medium and High only


  • SRP-11807 Old job failure alerts duplicated after restart
  • SRP-11924 SQL Monitor memory increasing over time
  • SRP-11921 Custom metric database exclusion doesn't apply when test button used
  • SRP-11920 Azure Managed instance custom metric test failure
  • SRP-11912 SQL Monitor installer times out when executing a large migration
  • SRP-11904 Monitor does not recognise SQL Express explicitly so raises SQL Agent alerts
  • SRP-11810 Replica Not Healthy alert does not clear if it was caused by Secondary Replica
  • SRP-11793 Groups has duplicate "Base Monitor" dropdown boxes with MBM
  • SRP-11726 Alerts emails received a long time after being raised

Version 9.0.9 - April 17th, 2019


  • DTU graphs on Databases section on Elastic Pool overview page are now consistently scaled from 0% to 100%, instead of using the maximum value from the graph.
  • Authentication token management page added in order to perform API calls.
  • SRP-11812 Blocking process display and alert now show data for processes that were sleeping when last sampled if a previous non-sleeping sample exists.
  • SqlDeadlockXe regular expression now covers subresources


  • SRP-11893 changed Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance Connection Timeout and Retry logic
  • 134126 Fixed an issue with deleted database files appearing on Disk Usage Details page

Version 9.0.8 - March 28th, 2019


  • Added execution count to Longest Running Queries report
  • New report time filter values (30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours)
  • SRP-11741 Ignored wait VDI_CLIENT_OTHER


  • SRP-11796 All Estate pages now support multiple base monitors
  • 132837 Interpret UTC timestamps in extended event deadlock XML
  • SRP-11790 Databases are not longer duplicated in backups with different casing
  • 133575 Allow a group to be specified when bulk-adding SQL Servers
  • SRP-11786 Getting notifications on Job Failing alerts ended
  • SRP-11788 Maintenance Windows alert exclusions now work for Azure SQL Servers
  • SRP-11791 AD user can see names of servers they don't have access to fixed for Reports
  • SRP 11791 Notification settings and log files restricted to administrator

Version 9.0.7 - March 21st, 2019


  • 132843 Fixes report of primary key violation in repository upgrade on some versions of SQL Server

Version 9.0.6 - March 20th, 2019


  • Added the ability to send email notifications for an alert manually

  • Fragmented Index, Integrity Check Overdue alerts - allow to exclude read only databases

  • Persisting expanded/collapsed state of Alert Sidebar on Server Overview page

  • Added alert counters when Alert Sidebar is hidden on Server Overview page


  • Estate backups load faster and cause fewer hangs for estates with a large number of databases

  • SRP-11791 AD user can see names of servers they don't have access to fixed for Analysis and Backups

Version 9.0.5 - March 13th, 2019


  • SRP-11787 Estates disk usage fix no sql files issues on some machines

  • SRP-11795 Renamed groups maintain custom alert configurations

  • SRP-11796 Estates versions page now supports multiple base monitors correctly

  • SRP-11797 Allow non admin users to edit Azure alerts correctly

  • SRP-11800 Allow SNMP and Slack settings to be edited on a new database

  • SRP-11791 AD user can see names of servers they don't have access to fixed for Alert Inbox, Groups Config, Installed Versions, Alert settings

  • SRP-11806 Connect to primary replica when read scale-out is enabled on Azure SQL Databases

Version 9.0.4 - March 6th, 2019

This upgrade may take some time on first running as data is migrated to a new format for the backups performance improvements.


  • Estates/Backups performance improvements
  • SRP-11781 Search on Global Dashboard considers databases in instances and databases in elastic pools
  • 130927 Installer provides Trust server certificate option while configuring SQL Monitor database connection


  • SRP-11782 Page Verification Alert - do not alert when database is being restored
  • 128165 - fixed the bug with finding the appropriate host for VMWare virtual machine
  • SRP-11802 Ensure estates backup page copes with availability group moves

Version 9.0.3 - February 12th, 2019

With this upgrade, SQL monitor will no longer support SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2 for the database used to store monitoring data.
There is no change to the list of versions of SQL server that can be monitored.

If you have explicitly chosen not to licence any Azure SQL Database with an upper-case character in its name, this exclusion will need to be re-applied following this update.


  • Extended event sampling of deadlocks is enabled by default on all versions of SQL Server from 2008
  • Improved detection of backup frequency on estate backups pageusing median time between backups
  • Some performance improvements for the estates - backups pages
  • Ignore SOS_WORK_DISPATCHER and QDS_ASYNC_QUEUE waits by default


  • SRP-11646 Raise log backup alerts when in full recovery mode even if a full backup has been taken
  • 130536 Show used and available space for Azure SQL Database space alerts
  • 129479 Preserve case in names of detected Azure SQL Databases

Version 9.0.2 - January 29th, 2019


  • SRP-11775 Installer Fix

Version 9.0.1 - January 28th, 2019

  • This is a major release of SQL Monitor. Users of versions 8 or below must have a current Support & Upgrades package to be entitled to upgrade to this version.


  • Monitoring of Azure SQL Databases is now out of beta
  • Estate pages are now out of beta
  • Preview of Managed Instance support

Do you have any feedback on this documentation?

Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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