SQL Source Control 7

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Other source control systems

SQL Source Control only has full integration with Git, SVN, and TFS.

If you want to link to another source control system, including Mercurial, you have two options. You can:

  • link to a custom setup using config files
  • link to a working folder

Link to a custom setup

When you link to a custom setup, you select a config file, used to automate source control operations. Preset config files are provided for:

  • Git
  • Mercurial
  • Perforce
  • Plastic SCM

For instructions for how to link to a custom setup, see Link to a custom setup.

For more information about customizing config files, and how to create a new one, see About config files.

Link to a working folder

When you're linked to a working folder, SQL Source Control doesn't automate any source control operations (eg add, push, edit etc). Instead:

  • When you make changes to the database, the changes are listed in the Commit tab.
    When you click Save changes, the changes are scripted as SQL files to the working folder. You can then commit the script files manually with your source control client.
  • When you pull with your source control client, the SQL files in your working folder are changed, and the changes are listed in the Get latest tab.
    When you click Apply changes, the changes are applied to your database.

For instructions for how to link to a source control system using a working folder, see Link to a working folder.

If you want to do atomic commits of your database schema together with your application code, you can do this by linking to a working folder. For more information, see Example - source-controlling database schema and application code together using a working folder.

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