Published 25 January 2022
Create the Filter used as an input to the Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter cmdlet.
- New-ClassificationColumnFilter
Create the Filter used as an input to the Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter cmdlet.
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.
You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.
Return values
The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.
An object with the properties:
Instances [StringPropertyFilter]
Databases [StringPropertyFilter]
TablesWithSchemas [StringPropertyFilter]
Columns [StringPropertyFilter]
Tags [TagsFilter]
PredictedInformationTypes [StringPropertyFilter]
ColumnDataTypes [StringPropertyFilter]
EmptyTablesFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')]
PrimaryKeyFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')]
IdentityConstraintFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')]
CompositeKeyFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')]
ForeignKeyFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')]
WithNoTags [Boolean]
WithTagsApplied [Boolean]
Where a StringPropertyFilter has the options:
Include [string[]]
IncludePartial [string[]]
Exclude [string[]]
ExcludePartial [string[]]
And TagsFilter has:
Include [hashtable e.g. @{ "Information Classification" = @("Confidential") }]
Exclude [hashtable e.g. @{ "Information Classification" = @("Confidential") }]
And where:
'Include' = Do not apply any restrictions based on this filter (e.g. Include all tables including empty tables)
'Exclude' = Exclude items matching this filter (e.g. Don't include empty tables)
'Require' = Restrict to items that match this filter (e.g. only include empty tables)
-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------
- PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }}
{{ Add example description here }}