SQL Packager 7

Integrating the command line with applications

To integrate the SQL Packager command line tool with applications that you distribute to your customers, you must have one of the following licenses:

  • SQL Packager 6.0 (or later)
  • SQL Packager Professional Edition 5.5 (or earlier)
  • SQL Toolbelt

When you have a license, and you execute the tool, the distribution files that you need to distribute the applications are generated; these files are marked with an asterisk (*) below.

The files that you should bundle into your application installer are listed below. The files should be installed in the same folder in which your application is installed.

Note that to distribute a package created with the SQL Packager command line, you need to distribute only the package executable.

  • SQLPackager.exe
  • RedGate.CommandLine.Common.dll
  • RedGate.SQLPackager.Distribution.dll*
  • RedGate.SQLPackager.Distribution.mod*
  • RedGate.Shared.SQL.dll
  • RedGate.Shared.Utils.dll
  • RedGate.SQlCompare.ASTParser.dll
  • RedGate.SQLCompare.Rewriter.dll
  • RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.dll
  • RedGate.SQLCompare.CommandLine.dll
  • RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.dll
  • RedGate.SQLDataCompare.CommandLine.dll
  • RedGate.SQLPackager.Engine.dll
  • RedGate.SQLPackager.CommandLine.dll
  • SQLPackager.exe.config
  • RedGate.Compression.ZLib.dll
  • SQL Packager Code Templates (folder)

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