Redgate Clone


This page describes the Web UI tool (Admin Console) that you'll use to manage Redgate Clone's life cycle, including all upgrades.


What is Admin Console?

Redgate Clone installs Admin Console during the initial installation process.

It is an user interface, which allows you to:

  • Monitor.
  • Change & update application's configuration.
  • Manage the lifecycle (i.e. update Redgate Clone)

Supported browsers

The following table lists the browser requirements for the latest Admin console.

Internet ExplorerUnsupported

Admin Console tabs explained


The dashboard is a quick overview of the current state of the application.

It shows:

  • Status of the application (e.g. Running / Unavailable)
  • Deployed version.
  • License state.
  • Graphs representing Admin Console usage.
Version HistoryDisplays currently deployed version, update history and any available versions.
ConfigRedgate Clone infrastructure configuration.
TroubleshootUse this to create and download support bundle containing logs and diagnostic data.
LicensesShows information about current license, and allows to fetch updates to update your license.
View FilesShows internal files (i.e. What Redgate Clone deploys to Kubernetes cluster)
Registry SettingsNot used...


Application Status

The application status reports the health of the Redgate Clone application in real-time. There are few possible statuses:

UnavailableSome of the Redgate Clone related Kubernetes resources are ready.
DegradedAt least one instance of each resource is available, but it doesn't match the desired replica count.
UpdatingThe new version is currently being deployed.
Ready The desired state is met, and the application is fully functioning. You can start using it.

Deployment Status

When doing a first-time install, or an upgrade, the status will change to Deploying....

Once the status of the version changes to Deployed, that means the new configuration is applied and request is sent to our application to update all needed resources. This does not mean that Redgate Clone application is ready for use yet though as the modifications still need to be applied internally.

That's where the Application Status, which was discussed above, comes into help.


Admin Console will also display some monitoring stats in the main dashboard.

Please note that this information is only relative to the Admin Console and not the entire Redgate Clone application.

If you want observability and monitoring of our application, please check Grafana: Dashboards instead.

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