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Database Version Support

Database and database version support for the products listed in the table below are aligned to support for Flyway Teams and Flyway Enterprise. 

For more information, visit the Supported Databases and Versions page.

Database compatibility levels:
Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
  • Flyway Community

  • Flyway Teams
  • SQL Source Control standalone (1)
  • Source Control for Oracle standalone (2)
  • SQL Compare, SQL Data Compare Standard Edition (4)
  • Flyway Enterprise
  • SQL Change Automation (3)
  • SQL Source Control (as part of Flyway Enterprise, SQL Toolbelt Essentials or SQL Toolbelt) (1)
  • SQL Compare (4)
  • SQL Data Compare Professional Edition (4)
  • Schema Compare for Oracle (2)
  • Data Compare for Oracle (2)

(1) SQL Server databases only, excluding Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Database Managed Instance and Amazon RDS

(2) Oracle databases only

(3) SQL Server databases only with the exception of Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

(4) SQL Server databases only

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