ANTS Memory Profiler 8

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover ANTS Memory Profiler 8, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Performance counters are missing

In certain situations, the performance counters may be missing from the performance counter results during a profiler session.

There are many possible causes for the problem, but they all can usually be fixed by rebuilding the performance counter objects.

To rebuild your performance counters:

  • If you're running Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, to rebuild the Windows performance counters, open a command prompt and run the following commands:

    1. cd %systemroot%\system32
    2. lodctr /R

    and then reboot the computer. Other performance counters may exist outside the system32 folder.
    If you need to rebuild the .NET performance counters, locate the file corperfmonsymbols.ini. This should reside in the %systemroot%\\framework\v2.0.50727 directory, but may be in %systemroot%\inf\.netFramework as well. Use lodctr against this file to rebuild the performance counters from a command prompt by running the following commands:

    1. unlodctr .NetFramework
    2. cd %systemroot\inf\.netFramework (or the folder containing corperfmonsymbols.ini)
    3. lodctr corperfmonsymbols.ini

    It is also possible that performance objects are disabled and therefore unavailable to query. 

    The EXCTRLST.exe tool from Microsoft will show you whether or not a particular performance object is enabled and allow you to enable it. This tool can be downloaded for free from Microsoft

    If any of the performance counters are not enabled, they will not appear in the ANTS Memory Profiler performance counter graph.

    On some versions of Windows, performance counters can be disabled globally by setting the registry value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib to "1".

  • If you're on a newer operating system, please follow the following instructions:

    1. Open a command prompt as Administrator

    2. Enter the following commands:

      1. C:
      2. cd windows\system32
      3. LodCtr.exe /S:Backup_Original.INI
      4. LodCtr.exe /R:PerfStringBackup.INI

(The /S: switch lets you backup the performance counters before you rebuild with the /R: switch.)

Use perfmon to check the counters display correctly.

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