Code Analysis

Execution rules

Identify issues that may be problematic upon execution.

EI001 – Incompatible variable type for procedure call 

Variable type is not fully compatible with procedure parameter type.
A parameter passed to a procedure or function must be of a type that can be cast into the variable datatype declared for that parameter in the body of the routine. It should be of exactly the same type so as to avoid the extra processing to resolve an implicit conversion.

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EI002 – Incompatible literal type for procedure call 

Literal type is not fully compatible with procedure parameter type.
A parameter passed to a procedure can be a literal (e.g. 1,’03 jun 2017’ or ‘hello world’) but it must be possible to cast it unambiguously to the variable datatype declared for that parameter in the body of the routine.

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EI003 – Non-scalar subquery in place of a scalar  

Subquery may return more than one row.
A subquery can only be scalar, meaning that it can return just one value. Even if you correctly place just one expression in your select list, you must also ensure that just one row is returned. TOP 1 can be used if there is an ORDER BY clause

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EI004 – Extra parameter passed 

A named parameter is not found in parameter list of a procedure.
Parameters can be passed by position in a comma-delimited list, or by name, where order position isn’t required. Any parameters that are specified by name must have the name identical to the definition for that procedure

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EI005 – Unnamed call after named call 

It is not recommended to use the position notation after the named notation when calling a procedure.
Parameters can be passed by position in a comma-delimited list, or by name, but it is a bad idea to mix the two methods even when it is possible. If a parameter has a default value assigned to it, it can be left out of the parameter list, and it is difficult to check whether the values you supply are for the parameters you intend.

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EI006 – Required parameter is not passed 

Parameter is not passed to a procedure and no default is provided.
With procedures and functions, parameters can be assigned default values that are used when a value isn’t passed for that parameter when calling the procedure. However, if a parameter isn’t assigned a value and there is no default provided it is an error.

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EI007 – Call parameter declared as output 

Procedure parameter is not defined as OUTPUT, but marked as OUTPUT in procedure call statement.
Output scalar parameters for procedures are passed to the procedure, and can have their value altered within the procedure. This allows procedures to return scalar output. The formal parameter must be declared as an OUTPUT parameter if the actual parameter that is passed had the OUTPUT keyword. This triggers an error.

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EI008 – Call parameter is not declared as output 

Procedure parameter is defined as OUTPUT, but is not marked as OUTPUT in procedure call statement.
Output scalar parameters for procedures are passed to the procedure, and can have their value altered within the procedure. This allows procedures to return scalar output. However, the matching variable passed as the output parameter in the module or command string must also have the keyword OUTPUT. There is no error but the resultant value is NULL, which you are unlikely to want.

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EI009 – Call has more parameters than required 

Number of passed parameters exceeds the number of procedure parameters.
Parameters can be passed to procedures and functions in an ordered delimited list, but never more than the number of parameters. For a function, this must have the same number of list members as the parameters. For a procedure you can have fewer if defaults are declared in parameters.

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EI010 – OPEN of undefined cursor 

The cursor definition is not found in the current scope – the OPEN statement will cause an error.

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EI011 – FETCH from undefined cursor 

The cursor definition is not found in the current scope – the FETCH statement will cause an error.

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EI012 – CLOSE of undefined cursor 

The cursor definition is not found in the current scope – the CLOSE statement will cause an error.

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EI013 – DEALLOCATE of undefined cursor 

The cursor definition is not found in the current scope – the DEALLOCATE statement will cause an error.

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EI014 – Fetch from cursor with asterisk in select list, unable to check columns 

It is not recommended to use the asterisk in select list when defining a cursor.

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EI015 – Incorrect number of fetch variables 

Number of variables in FETCH statement differs from number of columns in the cursor definition.

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EI016 – Reference to procedure in other database 

Try to avoid using hardcoded references to other databases.
There is nothing wrong in executing procedures in other databases, but it is better to avoid hard-coding these references and use synonyms instead.

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EI017 – Hardcoded current database name in procedure call 

It is better to avoid using hardcoded references to the current database as this causes problems if you later do the inconceivable by changing the database name or cut-and-pasting a routine. A hardcoded database name has no performance advantage.

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EI018 – Missing parameter(s) name in procedure call 

It is recommended to specify the parameter name while calling a stored procedure.
Although delimited ordered lists are perfectly legal, it is generally wiser to specify the name of the parameter just in case you add a parameter in the middle of the list where it makes logical sense to do so. It is easy to do this with a metadata routine or SQL Prompt.

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ROLLBACK TRANSACTION rolls back a transaction to the beginning of it, or to a savepoint inside the transaction. You don’t need a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement within a transaction, but if there isn’t one, then it may be a sign that error handling has not been refined to production standards.

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It is possible to have a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION within a block where there is no explicit transaction. This will trigger an error if the code is executed outside a transaction, and suggests that transactions are being held open unnecessarily.

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EI021 – Closing of unopened cursor 

It is not possible to close an unopened cursor.

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EI022 – Fetch from unopened cursor 

It is not possible to fetch rows from an unopened cursor.

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EI023 – Update/delete operation on cursor, but cursor is not declared as updatable 

It is recommended to specify a cursor as updatable before performing  an UPDATE/DELETE operation on the cursor.

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EI024 – Stored procedure name starts with sp_  

It is not recommended to start a user stored procedure name with sp_ as this prefix is used in built in stored procedures.
If you prefix a procedure name with ‘sp_’, the master database is searched first, which will be a performance hit. SQL Server identifiers should not have ‘hungarian notation’ prefixes.

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EI025 – Executing stored procedure without getting result 

It is perfectly OK to execute a stored procedure without getting the result. This integer that is returned is used to pass back information about the success of the stored procedure, but the value must be assigned in code These return codes are generallyy used in control-of-flow blocks within procedures to set the return code value for each possible error. To get a SQL Server error rather than a process error, you can use the @@ERROR function.

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EI026 – Reference to function in other database 

It is perfectly acceptable to reference a function in another database as long as you use the standard three-part naming convention. 

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EI027 – Reference to table or view in other database 

It is perfectly acceptable to reference a table or view in another database as long as you use the standard three-part naming convention.

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EI028 – Adding NOT NULL column without default value 

Adding a NOT NULL column without a DEFAULT value to an existing table that already contains data will fail, because SQL Server has no way of adding that column to the existing rows, as there must be a value in the column.

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EI029 – Avoid using ISNUMERIC() function  

Avoid using ISNUMERIC() function because it accepts int, numeric, float and money numbers.
ISNUMERIC() is there for legacy reasons. It is answering a different question to the one you want answered. It is better to use the LIKE command to answer the question because each numeric data type needs a different answer.

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EI030 – Usage of ORDER BY in view or single statement (inline) TVF

Views and inline Table-valued functions have no intrinsic order. The order of the result is specified only by the SELECT statement that specifies the View, iTVF or table.

If executed, this will trigger an error ‘The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified’. 
Some programmers wrongly assume that adding TOP 100 PERCENT is ok because the error disappears. 

You should include the ORDER BY only in the outermost query.

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EI031 – Relying on the INSERT…EXEC statement

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EI032 – Using the xp_cmdshell system stored procedure

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EI033 – Using dynamic SQL without the EXECUTE AS clause

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