DLM Automation

Set up the TFS MSBuild scripts

This page shows how to install and set up the DLM Automation TFS MSBuild scripts.

You can use these Build Scripts with any version of TFS. To set them up:

  1. If you haven't done so already, on the machines running your build agents, install the latest version of DLM Automation.
  2. Go to the DLM Automation add-ons webpage.
  3. In the TFS section, click Download scripts.
    This will download a zip file, tfs-scripts.zip.
  4. Extract the scripts from the zip file.
  5. On the machine running your build agent, open Windows Services (services.msc). 
  6. In the list of services, right-click on Visual Studio Team Foundation Build Service Host [year] and select Restart.

You now need to check the scripts into your source control system and set up the build in Visual Studio. For more information on this, and to find our how to use the scripts, see Use the TFS MSBuild scripts.

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