Deployment Suite for Oracle 6

Redgate Change Control 3 release notes

Deployment Suite for Oracle has been replaced by Redgate Deploy - Oracle. This page is therefore no longer being updated. For the latest release notes, please click here.

3.33.13795 - January 27 2021


  • update dependency Redgate Oracle Schema Compare engine to v5.7.12.897


  • Ensure save button is not disabled if a versioned migration isn't present

3.23.12559 - November 12 2020


  • Change init options to accept dev url and scripts folder path


  • Fixed miscalculated version numbers for migrations immediately after baselines

3.22.12450 - November 10 2020


  • Remove the migrations location selector box from the wizard
  • Make --migrationsLocation param for rcc init optional
  • Display where the project file will be saved in new project wizard


  • show correct error message when testing connection

3.21.12110 - November 02 2020


  • Users are now prompted for JDBC URLs if any are missing from the project.
  • Improvements to error messages when certain required fields are missing.


  • Updated Flyway to v7.1.1.
  • Upgraded Redgate Oracle Schema Compare engine to v5.7.10.471.


  • Fixed a bug where an error message may not have appeared on the apply to database tab.

3.20.11930 - October 22 2020

New Features

  • Added repair verb to the cli for repairing the development database schema history table.

  • Added version verb to the cli for getting the current software version of Redgate Change Control and the Flyway engine.

  • Added reset verb to the cli to enable management of the shadow scripts folder (an experimental feature).


  • Upgraded Redgate Oracle Schema Comparison engine to v5.7.10.444.


  • Fixed a bug where project paths containing spaces were causing errors to be thrown.

3.19.11779 - October 19 2020

New Features

  • Added new rcc status command to the command line which throws an exception if there is a validation error.


  • Added the next suggested migration script version number to the response from rcc generate

  • Upgraded Redgate Oracle Schema Compare engine to v5.7.9.405

  • Upgraded Flyway to v7.0.4


  • Fixed bug where an invalid value null was being passed to schemaVersion when attempting to generate migrations.

  • Fixed bug where project validation was incorrectly ignoring future migrations

3.18.11528 - October 09 2020

New Features

  • Initialize the shadow scripts folder when running rcc init in compatible projects.


  • Upgraded Redgate Schema Compare for Oracle engine to v5.7.9.390


  • Fixed an issue where migrating the shadow database would fail if there was a validation error.

3.17.11469 - October 07 2020


  • Remove empty repeatable migration scripts instead of adding a comment.


  • Upgraded Flyway to v7.0.1
  • Upgraded Redgate Schema Compare for Oracle engine to v5.7.9.374
  • BREAKING CHANGE - Replaced the --requestJson option for the rcc init command line verb with individual options.
  • BREAKING CHANGE - Replaced the --requestJson option for the rcc update command line verb with individual options.
  • Added shorthands to RCC command line verbs

3.16.11254 - October 01 2020

New Features

  • Provides the RCC CLI as a docker image.


  • Improved logging when using the RCC CLI.


  • Added optional `--format` option to the RCC CLI verbs. Pass "json" to get machine-readble output.
  • Upgraded the Redgate Oracle Schema Comparison engine to v5.7.9.297


  • Fixed an issue where objects being dropped were first being checked for existence.

3.15.11152 - September 25 2020

New Features

  • Added RCC CLI to environment PATH.


  • Upgraded Flyway to v6.5.7
  • It is now possible to read configuration options from a .conf.user file if present in the project.


  • Fixed an issue where versioned migrations with large numbers in the filename could fail to parse.

3.14.11088 - September 22 2020


  • Upgraded Flyway to v6.5.6
  • Redgate Change Control now always uses the inbuilt flyway license key instead of reading it from the config file.

3.13.10951 - September 14 2020


  • Fixed an issue preventing the Programmable Object details from being expanded on the save scripts page.

3.12.10833 - September 04 2020


  • Added timestamps to the auto-generated version number of new migration scripts.


  • Changed the way messages are displayed to the user within the app.

  • Upgraded the Redgate Oracle Comparison engine to v5.7.8.


  • Fixed an issue where generating a baseline script failed with the error 'filename or extension is too long'.

3.11.10748 - September 02 2020


  • Fixed an issue where the shadow database could not be updated with scripts containing SQL*Plus syntax.

  • Fixed an issue where logs were not being correctly handled when applying scripts to the database.

  • Fixed an issue where applying scripts failed but was reported as a success.

  • Fixed an issue where unstaged files were not being staged before committing.

3.10.10695 - August 28 2020


  • When pulling changes, the message to apply changes to database is now shown as an info message and it's only displayed if you have any pending migrations after the pull.
  • Clicking on the apply to database link from the version control tab (after pulling changes) will now also refresh the Apply to database page.
  • A link to more help has been added to the repair modal.
  • A comparison option file generated by Source Control for Oracle can now be used in non-hybrid projects (i.e. projects that use a database as the development source) by including the ComparisonOptions.xml file in the same directory as the .conf file.


  • When only repeatable migrations have been generated the first accordion is expanded by default.


  • Fixed an issue where applying pending migration would fail if database credentials were stored in the conf file.

3.9.10574 - August 25 2020


  • Show the number of pending migrations on the apply to database page.

  • Improve performance of the New Project Wizard by no longer testing the same connection details multiple times.

  • Improve clean up of temporary files.


  • Upgraded Flyway to v6.5.5.

  • Clarified the wording of the title of the baseline modal.

  • Enable flyway.outOfOrder by default in new projects.

  • Update default comparison options to stop excluding SET DEFINE OFF.


  • Fixed an issue where attempting to commit files staged for deletion would fail.

  • Fixed an issue where fetching branches in a repo with no remote would fail.

  • Fixed an issue where applying scripts to the database could fail if SQL*Plus specific syntax was used in the script.

3.8.10312 - August 14 2020


  • Refreshes the current branch details after pushing commits.

  • Improves error messaging if pushing commits fails.

  • Trims whitespace from new branch names before attempting to create the branch.

  • Automatically focuses to the input field when loading the create new branch modal.


  • Pulling changes from git now behaves according to the user-defined global git settings.

  • Upgraded flyway to v6.5.4.


  • Fixed an issue where a versioned script would be created with only a SET DEFINE OFF statement.

  • Fixed an issue where a versioned script would be created with only a script header comment.

3.7.10074 - August 05 2020


  • Fixed an issue that could cause project load errors when using the redgate.experimental.shadowSchema project option when credentials were not present in the project file.

3.6.10070 - August 04 2020


  • Upgraded flyway to v6.5.3


  • Fixed an issue that could cause "null password given" errors when using a SOCO dev source.

3.5.9996 - July 28 2020

No changes

3.4.9958 - July 27 2020


  • The current Flyway version is now shown in the RCC logs and about dialog.


  • Upgraded Flyway to v6.5.2
  • Downgraded Devart dotConnect for Oracle to v9.11.980 to work around a "Value cannot be null (Parameter 'hostname')" error

3.3.9794 - July 16 2020


  • Made the last updated time on the generate migrations tab more user-friendly.


  • Upgraded Flyway to v6.5.1.


  • Fixed issue where hybrid projects were not using the default comparison options from Source Control for Oracle if no ComparisonOptions.xml exists.

3.2.9527 - July 07 2020


  • Automatically detect and apply comparison options set in the linked Source Control for Oracle project when using hybrid mode.


  • Automatically clear the commit message after successfully committing changes.

  • Upgrade Flyway to v6.5.0.

  • Reduced the amount of logging with the default setting.


  • Fixed an issue where Redgate Change Control would crash if switching between projects with no migrations present.

3.1.9415 - July 02 2020


  • Fixed an issue where RCC would fail to connect to the shadow database

3.0.9366 - June 30 2020

New Features

The version control page is no longer an experimental feature and can now be used without setting up an environment variable.


  • A warning message is now shown when pulling changes causes a merge conflict, any further actions are disabled until the conflicts have been resolved


  • The commit table now only lists files that are within the project directory (the directory containing the .conf file) or any of its subdirectories


  • The flyway schema history table and permissions are now properly excluded from the shadow scripts folder

  • Fixed an issue where the number of pulled changes were not being reported correctly

  • Fixed an issue where the selection state in the commit table would reset after refocusing the window

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