Redgate Flyway

Flyway V11 - updating from V10

Deprecating Interactive CLI behavior

As we wrote in the blog post: Deprecation of Flyway's interactive behavior Flyway will no longer be able to enter username/password interactively when you run the CLI.

Instead you should supply them in environment variables or via a secrets manager

No longer publishing to org.flywaydb.enterprise

If you use Flyway through the API/Maven and use the Redgate artifacts then please make sure you are using the Group ID: com.redgate.flyway

We're retiring this as we made the Group ID change back in Flyway V10 but have been publishing to both locations to avoid a hard cutoff but this takes time and consumes resources.

Existing assets (up to V10 releases) will continue to exist but releases post-V11 will not be published to org.flywaydb.enterprise.

This also affects the default download location if you are using the Flyway CLI so check on the download page for where to get Flyway from

Deprecating use of flyway.plugins configuration namespace

You will now get warnings if you continue to use these parameter configurations, please update as soon as practical.

Old ParameterNew ParameterDocumentation
flyway.plugins.cleanflyway.sqlserver.cleanSQL Server Clean
flyway.plugins..vaultflyway.vaultSecrets Management
flyway.plugins.daprflyway.daprSecrets Management
flyway.plugins.gcsmflyway.gcsmSecrets Management

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