Redgate Flyway

Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to Flyway, database migrations made easy.

Ready to get started? Take a 5 minute tutorial:

Flyway Desktop

A graphical UI for working with the Flyway commands to version and automate your database changes

Command Line

For non-JVM users and environments without build tools

> flyway migrate -url=... -user=... -password=...

API Usage

Migrate directly from within your application

Flyway flyway = Flyway.configure().dataSource(url, user, password).load();

Quickstart: API

Maven usage

Seamless integration with Maven 2/3 builds

> mvn flyway:migrate -Dflyway.url=... -Dflyway.user=... -Dflyway.password=...

Quickstart: Maven

Gradle usage

Seamless integration with Gradle builds

> gradle flywayMigrate -Dflyway.url=... -Dflyway.user=... -Dflyway.password=...

Quickstart: Gradle

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