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  1. Running migration scripts using SqlCmd.exe

    . The following example contains VB script that injects a "GO" every 100 lines:


  2. How to force SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to use an encrypted connection

    a new project or edit an existing project. Go to Project Configuration -> Data Sources. Enter the server name, and enter the following af


  3. Running migration scripts using SqlCmd.exe

    . The following example contains VB script that injects a "GO" every 100 lines:


  4. How to force SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to use an encrypted connection

    project or edit an existing project. Go to Project Configuration -> Data Sources. Enter the server name, and enter the following after th


  5. Log locations

    SQL Clone generally logs to the Windows Event Viewer. In addition, there are usually log files available. Getting all logs In the SQL Clo


  6. Managing connections and memory

    /exclude certain servers, databases or schemas. To configure this: On the SQL Prompt menu, select Options. Go to the Suggestions > Connect


  7. ANTS Performance Profiler 8 documentation

    information, or to download ANTS Performance Profiler, go to the ANTS Performance Profiler product page


  8. Walkthrough: Set up Continuous Integration And Release Management

    , remember that it's going to be deployed to other databases. A generic name that describes what you're deploying is better than one that'


  9. Technical overview of SQL Virtual Restore

    and write requests via the Windows I/O Manager to access individual pages in the data files and records in the transaction log file: hype


  10. Managing connections and memory

    /exclude certain servers, databases or schemas. To configure this: On the SQL Prompt menu, select Options. Go to the Suggestions > Connect


  11. Understanding memory problems

    over time. Memory use increases whenever you carry out a specific action. Memory use doesn't go back to the same level after the action i


  12. Merging dependencies

    , in the Project Settings window, go to Dependencies Merging or click the icon in the toolbar. sa_dependenciesmerging.gif Select the depen


  13. Embedding dependencies

    Embedding dependencies simplifies the deployment and maintenance of your software, reduces the total size of your software, and ensures t


  14. SQL Backup 4.0 release notes

    databases to script in one go). New UI. Log Shipping Wizard. Backup and restore history data will be saved in the msdb table instead (as


  15. Merging branches

    from the branch. Relink the database to master. Go to the Commit tab. The tab shows the changes to the branch as changes to commit. If th


  16. Teams using the shared model

    to database you're about to copy. Link the new database to the source control repository that the shared database was linked to. Go to th


  17. Lock an object

    object, no matter who locked it. From the Locking tab In SQL Source Control, go to the Locking tab. This tab lists the objects that are l


  18. Times in source code window are greater than the times showing in the method grid or tree view

    spent doing the actual calculations that it needed to do in order to work out the method time. If you go to ANTS Performance Profiler's o


  19. Merging dependencies

    , in the Project Settings window, go to Dependencies Merging or click the icon in the toolbar. sa_dependenciesmerging.gif Select the depen


  20. Embedding dependencies

    Embedding dependencies simplifies the deployment and maintenance of your software, reduces the total size of your software, and ensures t


  21. Ignoring SSL certificate warnings when generating reports

    USE [SqlMonitor] GO INSERT INTO [settings].[KeyValuePairs] ([KeyName] ,[KeyValue] ,[KeyValueType]) VALUES ('Reporting-IgnoreSSLErrors','T


  22. SQL Prompt 6.4 release notes

    Shift + F5, only the second statement is executed: sp - two statements executed.png You can also execute the current batch (ie code betwe


  23. Sync. Manager Rules

    that the rule does not have a WHERE clause. Go to the Change Managers tab and select Convert to Sync. Manager Rule. Example Given name in


  24. Running migration scripts using SqlCmd.exe

    . The following example contains VB script that injects a "GO" every 100 lines:


  25. How to force SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to use an encrypted connection

    a new project or edit an existing project. Go to Project Configuration -> Data Sources. Enter the server name, and enter the following af


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