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  1. Times in source code window are greater than the times showing in the method grid or tree view

    spent doing the actual calculations that it needed to do in order to work out the method time. If you go to ANTS Performance Profiler's o


  2. Deploying assemblies in Visual Studio

    CLR functions/procs: -- <Migration InlineDependencies="true" /> GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[HelloWorld]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP FUNCTION [db


  3. Changing the location of the working base

    for the database (a new one will be created later). Close Management Studio. Go to the SQL Source Control config files folder. By default


  4. Migration scripts V2 beta

    We're going to remove the migrations V2 beta from SQL Source Control in version 5. We're replacing it with an improved version of the ori


  5. SSDT projects

    project will be imported into this database. With the new database selected in the Object Explorer, go to SQL Source Control. On the Setu


  6. Viewing connection information for monitored servers

    If you have connection problems when monitoring some of your servers, you can view logged connection errors: Go to the Configuration tab


  7. Global Overview doesn't display any details in your browser

    If the Global Overview page doesn't contain any data, please check the following: For Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R


  8. Change the default for the checkbox on the Dependencies selection screen

    By default, the checkbox on the Dependencies screen is selected. You can change the default to deselected by editing a config file: Close


  9. Understanding memory problems

    over time. Memory use increases whenever you carry out a specific action. Memory use doesn't go back to the same level after the action i


  10. Finding a dynamically generated assembly leak

    , so if there's not a memory problem, memory usage should go down when a snapshot is taken. On the summary page, on the .NET and unmanaged


  11. Tempdb

    of I/O being generated by snapshot isolation and its effect on tempdb usage. The final metric is the longest running transaction time: th


  12. PostgreSQL Top queries

    suddenly increased (perhaps indicating a problem with I/O), if the cache hit rate has dropped (perhaps indicating memory pressure, with m


  13. Conflicts and merging

    the source control version of the object, go to the Get latest tab. Conflicts involving data If an object has both schema and data change


  14. This commit doesn't meet the server's policy requirements, or the policy isn't configured on your machine

    Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Controls.dll. To do this: In the Windows Registry Editor, go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6


  15. How V2 migration scripts are used in deployment

    We're going to remove the migrations V2 beta from SQL Source Control in version 5. We're replacing it with an improved version of the ori


  16. SQL Source Control 2.1 release notes

    on the Commit Changes tab. When the second user goes to or refreshes the Commit Changes tab, the spurious notification is removed from th


  17. Failed to locate the [object name] for the [object name]

    the references from the affected objects. Unlink the database and link it to source control again. Go to the Get latest tab, select the a


  18. Setting up Slack notifications

    . Configuring Slack notifications Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and Metrics, select Notification settings: ConfigurationScreen


  19. Creating a baseline script

    been set because the status is Baseline. Baseline.png If you go to the Generate migrations tab, there should not be any changes. NoChange


  20. Forcing SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to use an encrypted connection

    project or edit an existing project. In the Data Sources tab, go to the Server field. Type or paste one of the following: For a default i


  21. Enabling/disabling Code Analysis rules

    to turn the rule back on. If Issue Details disappear and you want to enable a disabled rule, go the the list of issues by selecting Manag


  22. Activating and deactivating

    Once you've activated your serial numbers, SQL Monitor allocates licenses to the servers you're monitoring automatically. Licensing your


  23. Accessing SQL Monitor through a firewall

    is not being blocked by the firewall on the web server machine. If possible, install the Base Monitor on a server that does not need to g


  24. Resolve and merge conflicts

    control. Take theirs The object can't be committed. To get the source control version of the object, go to the Get latest tab. Conflicts


  25. Adding a VMWare host

    collecting data. These tasks can be performed in either order, so, if you want to add VMware support to your existing hosts, you only nee


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