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  1. SQL Monitor 2.3 release notes

    -2905: Include query duration for Long running query alert. SRP-3688: Analysis graph plots data but not the lines when the custom time ran


  2. Setting maintenance windows

    day of the week Once you have set up your maintenance window, you can edit or remove it at a later date. Setting a maintenance window Go


  3. Organizing monitored servers into groups

    for groups of servers at a time. Groups are identified in the Monitored servers list by the group group.gif icon. Creating a group Go to


  4. How to upgrade

    . When you're ready to purchase v4.x licenses, you can add the support and upgrades package to make upgrading easier. To find your v2.x or


  5. Reconfiguring the SQL Monitor website to use .NET 4

    Manager, under your IIS server, go to Web Service Extensions and make sure ASP.NET v4.0.30319 is Allowed: 1.png If it isn't, right-click


  6. SQL Server and host machine metrics

    a physical CPU core or logical processor. Effective VM speed MHz The approximate effective speed of the virtual machine's virtual CPU in


  7. This commit doesn't meet the server's policy requirements, or the policy isn't configured on your machine

    Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Controls.dll. To do this: In the Windows Registry Editor, go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6


  8. Failed to locate the [object name] for the [object name]

    the references from the affected objects. Unlink the database and link it to source control again. Go to the Get latest tab, select the a


  9. Commit changes

    Committing a change updates the source control repository with that change. When you make changes to source-controlled databases, SQL Sou


  10. Logging and log files

    |Performance Testing |33 |#33:Guid=b3e1aae0-9c1a-46f3-abda-e1e96a90fd1f:NumberOfSteps=0 Changing the log level Close Management Studio. G


  11. SQL Source Control 2.1 release notes

    Changes tab. When the second user goes to or refreshes the Commit Changes tab, the spurious notification is removed from the Object Explo


  12. Switches used in the command line

    :<option1>,<option2>,<option3> Alias: /o Applies the project configuration options used during comparison or deployment: sqlcompare /db1:W


  13. Adding SQL Server on Windows

    This page explains how to add SQL Server instances, running on Windows machines. Go to the Configuration page and, under Estate, select Mo


  14. Using performance diagnostics

    help you decide how to start troubleshooting. Queries can help you evaluate the efficiency of I/O usage, and identify problematic stateme


  15. Preparing SQL Server on Windows for monitoring

    Your server estate is best accessed via WinRM so it is worth aiming for this. If using WMI over WinRM, go to: WMI over WinRM. If using WMI


  16. Generating a new SSH key pair

    For SUSE-based distributions (SUSE Linux, openSUSE Linux, etc.): sudo zypper install openssh Once this is completed you can go back and r


  17. Requirements

    or 2003 machine start up a DOS box and go to the folder where you copied the extracted files to run "msiexec -I "SQL Backup_9.A.B.C.msi"


  18. Setting up the Web Server

    different: Click Next and install the Web Server. Go to: Running the Base Monitor Installer to download the separate Base Monitor install


  19. Duplicate object found in TeamCity

    'Miscellaneous'. If this occurs repeatedly, you may want to edit the build configuration and go to Version Control Settings, and switch o


  20. Configuring alerts

    Servers setting. To set up and configure global email notification settings, see Setting up email notification. Configuring alert setting


  21. Connecting to a Linux Machine

    SQL Monitor uses SSH to connect to a Linux host. You can either use SSH credentials or an SSH key to connect to the host. Go to the Config


  22. Preparing to upgrade SQL Monitor

    numbers, go to and enter your email address and password.


  23. Switches used in the command line

    " If the file already exists an error will occur, unless you have also used the /force switch. /Options:<option1>,<option2>,<option3> Alia


  24. Setting up SNMP notifications

    About SNMP notifications You can set up SQL Monitor to send an SNMP trap when: alerts are raised an alert level increases (e.g. from Medi


  25. Updating multiple Base Monitors

    Multiple Base Monitors configuration is going to be preserved, therefore, it will not be possible to modify it, i.e. change port number (


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