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  1. Command line switches

    initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespace t informationlifecyclemanagement m Specifying a value for /behavior, /ignore, or /storage clear


  2. Command line switches

    is none. Value Alias all a lobs b compression c extents e initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespace t informationlifecyclemanagement m Sp



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for I/O operations to finish that don’t read table or index rows from disk. It’s normal for a thre



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for asynchronous I/O operations to finish. It’s normal for a thread to enter a wait state as soon


  5. Example: writing a V2 migration script that affects objects not yet in the target database

    be applied. This means the migration script will always work, no matter what state the deployment environment is in. IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].


  6. Attaching to a running .NET 4 process

    ("Countdown test process"); int i = 300; int[] array = new int[301]; while (i >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(i + " seconds"); array[i] = i; i


  7. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("The application has started"); // Count from 0-99 int i = 0; while (i < 10


  8. Command line syntax

    Specifies the database you want to populate with data. sqldatagenerator /server:Widget_Server\SQL2012 /database:WidgetTest /username:<use


  9. Command line switches

    options when comparing and scripting data sources. The default is none. Value Alias all a lobs b compression c extents e initrans i loggi



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for asynchronous I/O operations to finish. It’s normal for a thread to enter a wait state as soon



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for I/O operations to finish that don’t read table or index rows from disk. It’s normal for a thre


  12. Example - writing a V2 migration script that affects objects not yet in the target database

    state the deployment environment is in. IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[PersonData]', 'U') IS NOT NULL --check if the denormalized table exists as a


  13. Command line syntax

    Specifies the database you want to populate with data. sqldatagenerator /server:Widget_Server\SQL2012 /database:WidgetTest /username:<use


  14. "Login failed for user..." - 'orphaned users' problem

    and their internal references on the SQL Server you are delivering a database to. Scenario I have 2 SQL Servers; RM-IClone1 and RM-IClone


  15. Attaching to a running .NET 4 process

    ("Countdown test process"); int i = 300; int[] array = new int[301]; while (i >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(i + " seconds"); array[i] = i; i


  16. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("The application has started"); // Count from 0-99 int i = 0; while (i < 10


  17. Error Overrides

    the initial one. The following behaviors are accepted: D to force a debug message D- to force a debug message, but do not show the origin


  18. April 2021 - Why you should be testing flyway migrations in CI

    importantly your users, from releasing that critical security fix as you first need to resolve the Flyway migrations. How do I prevent it


  19. "Login failed for user..." - 'orphaned users' problem

    and their internal references on the SQL Server you are delivering a database to. Scenario I have 2 SQL Servers; RM-IClone1 and RM-IClone


  20. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("The application has started"); // Count from 0-99 int i = 0; while (i < 10


  21. Attaching to a running .NET 4 process

    ("Countdown test process"); int i = 300; int[] array = new int[301]; while (i >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(i + " seconds"); array[i] = i; i


  22. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("The application has started"); // Count from 0-99 int i = 0; while (i < 10


  23. Attaching to a running .NET 4 process

    ("Countdown test process"); int i = 300; int[] array = new int[301]; while (i >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(i + " seconds"); array[i] = i; i



    that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increased I/O activity. Investi



    of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increas


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