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    file This example retrieves the header information for the pubs.sqb database backup file. SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE


  2. New-DlmDatabaseConnection

    \SQL2014" -Database "AdventureWorks" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" This example shows how to create a Database Connection object. Th


  3. Worked examples

    , then type: p The suggestions box shows all relevant suggestions beginning with p : example1_2.gif SQL Prompt always places the most cont


  4. Adding other optimizations

    Sealing classes which are not inherited SmartAssembly can seal classes that are not inherited. To seal classes that are not inherited, in


  5. Worked examples

    , then type: p The suggestions box shows all relevant suggestions beginning with p : example1_2.gif SQL Prompt always places the most cont


  6. Adding other optimizations

    Sealing classes which are not inherited SmartAssembly can seal classes that are not inherited. To seal classes that are not inherited, in


  7. Inserting suggestions into your code

    key is held down option. image2019-5-8_16-35-8.png Order of suggestions The order in which suggestions are listed depends on the context


  8. ReadyRoll licenses and SQL Change Automation

    explains the implications of the launch of SQL Change Automation for existing ReadyRoll users. What's your situation? I purchased ReadyRo


  9. Setting project options

    24x24.png (Edit Project), or select Project Options from the Tools menu. Some of the options apply only to the comparison, and don't affe


  10. SQL Compare 12.4 release notes

    an object in the source database and its counterpart in the target database: image2017-5-16 15:55:50.png As illustrated in the screenshot


  11. Data Masker for Oracle 6.1 (Archived)

    – Data Masker 6.1.12 Features Generating PARFILEs from the UI command line (-G) will now prompt for where it should be saved. Added a lin


  12. Diagnosing Deadlocks

    of the Alerts screen shows a graphical depiction of the deadlock graph: word-image-19.png The source of the Extended Events XML Deadlock


  13. MSPs: providing clients with visibility into SQL Monitor

    not to be stored outside a particular network. More information about setting up this kind of environment. image2019-6-12_15-28-37.png An


  14. Execution rules

    of a scalar prompt 16.png


  15. Setting project options

    24x24.png (Edit Project), or select Project Options from the Tools menu. Some of the options apply only to the comparison, and don't affe


  16. SQL Monitor 5.2 release notes

    this name throughout SQL Monitor. You can access this feature from the new dashboard. image2016-5-11 13:57:3.png


  17. How SQL Monitor works

    on dedicated machines: How-SQL-Monitor-connects-diagram.png Therefore, when installing SQL Monitor you will need to set up these three lo


  18. Upgrading

    and update your email preferences. What if I don't upgrade right away? Your SQL Automation Pack serial number is still valid so you can k


  19. Reports - Dry Run - how do I use it ? Get a Flyway Teams Trial here


  20. Gradle Task - flywayBaseline

    ' : 'someValue', 'someOtherProperty' : 'someOtherValue' ] } Sample output > gradle flywayBaseline -i Creating schema history table: "PUBLI


  21. Tutorial - Using Flyway Check with SQL Server

    "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Flyway123" -p 1433:1433 -d Make sure there are no other SQL Server instanc


  22. Preventing disassembly of the IL

    Select I want to prevent Microsoft IL Disassembler from opening my assembly. If you enable this option, some debugging tools will no long


  23. Pre-requisites check script

    ))" ]; then system_disk_size_human_readable=$(numfmt --to=iec-i "$system_disk_size") errors+=("The system disk needs to be at least $minim


  24. SmartAssembly 8.0 release notes

    Dynamic Proxy. SA-2397: Blazor (WebAssembly): Enabling Strings Encoding with compression and encryption may break the application. Workar


  25. Commercial Licensing FAQ

    Flyway Teams or Flyway Enterprise edition license or downgrade to Flyway Community edition. Do I have to set up a license server or open


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