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  1. PagerDuty SMS notifications

    and incident tracking to Redgate Monitor. How do I integrate Redgate Monitor with PagerDuty? There are integration guidelines in PagerDut


  2. Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables

    and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that bel


  3. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    This is a major release of SQL Monitor which includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: Features Reporting Report-Screenshot.png


  4. Preparing for adding monitored servers

    using the Add Amazon RDS SQL Server button in the web interface (Configuration > Monitored Servers). Planning-adding-servers-diagram.png


  5. Installing the server components from the command line

    boxes that would appear. No information will be returned if an error arises. Use in combination with /VERYSILENT. /I <instance> Specifies


  6. What SQL Source Control does

    SQL Source Control lets you version-control the schemas of your SQL Server databases. Why should I version-control my database schemas? V


  7. List of alerts

    The Alert settings page lists all the alert types that SQL Monitor can raise. Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and metrics, sele


  8. Cannot run backup or restore operations

    that you have set the -I command line parameter to the named instance. For more information, see Using the command line.


  9. Splitting a table

    information describing what happens to your objects when you run the script, see What happens when I run the split table script? Once you


  10. The BACKUP command

    Use the BACKUP command with the SQL Backup Pro -SQL parameter to back up one or more databases, transaction logs, or filegroups using the


  11. The RESTORE command

    restores a full backup of the pubs database from a single file. SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK


  12. Issues caused by clock skew

    , and the machines being monitored, have synchronized clock settings. If not, you may experience the issues listed below. I can't log in t


  13. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    This is a major release of SQL Monitor which includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: Features Reporting Report-Screenshot.png


  14. Activating and deactivating

    assistance. What happens when I deactivate a serial number? The relevant number of servers are automatically moved from Licensed servers


  15. Requirements

    or 2003 machine start up a DOS box and go to the folder where you copied the extracted files to run "msiexec -I "SQL Backup_9.A.B.C.msi"


  16. PagerDuty SMS Notifications

    and incident tracking to SQL Monitor. How do I integrate SQL Monitor with PagerDuty? There are integration guidelines in PagerDuty's Red


  17. Setting up Automated Installs

    your environment. If not, the process will fail. # Step 1 - Create arguments List - See documentation page for possible values # $MSIArgu


  18. The RESTORE command

    This example restores a full backup of the pubs database from a single file. SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pu


  19. The CONVERT command

    pubs.sqb to an unencrypted MTF format file: SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "CONVERT 'C:\Backups\pubs.sqb' TO 'C:\Backups\pubs.bak


  20. PagerDuty SMS Notifications

    and incident tracking to SQL Monitor. How do I integrate SQL Monitor with PagerDuty? There are integration guidelines in PagerDuty's Red


  21. Splitting a table

    information describing what happens to your objects when you run the script, see What happens when I run the split table script? Once you


  22. Splitting a table

    information describing what happens to your objects when you run the script, see What happens when I run the split table script? Once you


  23. Login Substitution for the SQL Server Command-line

    line it is considered an error and the command-line will terminate. What if I have multiple controllers targeting different databases? Yo


  24. List of alerts

    The Alert settings page lists all the alert types that SQL Monitor can raise. Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and metrics, sele


  25. 10.0

    or 2003 machine start up a DOS box and go to the folder where you copied the extracted files to run "msiexec -I "SQL Backup_10.A.B.C.msi"


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