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  1. The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction...

    the update is performed. Solution Use a different transaction isolation level image2016-8-31 11:3:58.png In Tools–>Application Options, c


  2. SQL Compare shows identical objects as different

    , which can be accessed by right-clicking on the object in the results pane. image2016-8-31 11:27:1.png The object is listed in the "ident


  3. Logging and log files

    -> Logging -> Minimum log levels, and then click the required log level. image2016-8-31 15:29:56.png Select a minimum log level based on


  4. Removing a monitored server

    a server: In the row for the server you want to remove, select Remove server from the Actions list: image2018-3-20_13-56-36.png You canno


  5. Different values displayed for the same data points on the Analysis Graph

    , displays the value as 74.1% for the same data point: diff-values-10-mins.png diff-values-24-hours.png The difference is because some of


  6. Setting up Slack notifications

    . Configuring Slack notifications Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and Metrics, select Notification settings: ConfigurationScreen


  7. Blocking Processes Overview

    Name, Status, Database and Total blocking time, as shown in the image below. image2018-3-19_15-24-14.png Total Blocking Time Total Blocki


  8. Adding Azure SQL Servers to monitor

    Azure SQL Server panel expands: image2019-1-14_10-59-13.png In the Azure SQL Server field, enter the name of the Azure SQL Server you wan


  9. Setting up Slack notifications

    Slack notifications Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and Metrics, select Notification settings: ConfigurationScreen-Notification


  10. Extended Events

    Go to the Configuration tab under Monitoring, select Extended Events: image2019-1-23_16-41-42.png Enabling extended event sessions on all


  11. Verifying a project in Visual Studio

    to view the the specific problem with the script. image2019-8-19_11-16-14.png Build You can check each of your migrations and programmabl


  12. Profiling web requests (HTTP requests)

    code uses one of those services. The profiler divides web requests into Requests from client and Outgoing HTTP requests: web-request-diag


  13. PagerDuty SMS Notifications

    and incident tracking to SQL Monitor. How do I integrate SQL Monitor with PagerDuty? There are integration guidelines in PagerDuty's Red


  14. Displaying metrics on the analysis graph

    . The example below shows Machine: processor time selected for one of the machines in a cluster: machine-processor-time.png To display ano


  15. Installing and running SQL Prompt

    To install SQL Prompt, you must have administrator privileges. If you're upgrading from a previous version, the installer does all the pr


  16. Logging and log files

    -> Logging -> Minimum log levels, and then click the required log level. image2016-8-31 15:29:56.png Select a minimum log level based on


  17. SQL Compare shows identical objects as different

    , which can be accessed by right-clicking on the object in the results pane. image2016-8-31 11:27:1.png The object is listed in the "ident


  18. The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction...

    the update is performed. Solution Use a different transaction isolation level image2016-8-31 11:3:58.png In Tools–>Application Options, c


  19. Deployment approaches with Flyway

    when creating a new project or in the project settings dialog. image-2024-4-20_17-39-43.png Schema model is the state-based approach. Mig


  20. Top 10 waits

    , it repopulates the table with fresh data, ordered by that column, and the wait history graph y-axis switches to show that column. image2


  21. Protecting .NET Core's .exe files

    instead. Clicking on the name of the .dll file will automatically load it: image2020-3-31_2-53-14.png Scenario 2: Single-file executables


  22. Installing and running SQL Prompt

    To install SQL Prompt, you must have administrator privileges. If you're upgrading from a previous version, the installer does all the pr


  23. Protecting .NET Core's .exe files

    instead. Clicking on the name of the .dll file will automatically load it: image2020-3-31_2-53-14.png Scenario 2: Single-file executables


  24. Backing up to AWS Storage Settings

    :31:46.png Note: Only SQL Backup 9.1 or later supports Folders And Tags. Alternatively, from the Tools menu, select Server Options. Open t


  25. Enabling/disabling Code Analysis

    Code Analysis is enabled in SQL Prompt by default. To disable Code Analysis, go to the Prompt menu and click Enable Code Analysis to unti


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