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  1. Monitoring status explained

    problems: image2019-1-23_14-22-34.png The page contains a table listing recent errors or data collection events that can help you to dete


  2. What is SQL Monitor

    . SQL-Monitor-architecture-diagram.png SQL Monitor watches the whole SQL Server estate and raises alerts that warn the DBA of actual or im


  3. Starting up SQL Monitor for the first time

    in the SQL Monitor UI, by supplying a password for the administrator account: image2019-1-23_13-48-2.png The password you enter automatic


  4. WMI over DCOM

    Management Instrumentation" service. wmi-config.PNG 2. Follow steps in this MSDN article: Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI


  5. Reconnecting automatically after monitoring stopped

    for the entity you want to reconnect, select Retry connection: image2019-1-23_14-25-14.png


  6. Adding custom metrics and alerts

    metric from the Show drop-down list: image2018-3-20_9-24-48.png What is a custom alert? A custom alert warns you when a custom metric val


  7. Using the SQL Monitor metrics website

    of the links to the website. A panel displayed near the bottom of the page provides links and information about the site content: image20


  8. Disk Usage

    The Disk Usage page shows the historical usage and projected data growth of all logical disks across your monitored estate. Understanding


  9. Data points missing from the Analysis Graph

    between points: data-not-collected.png


  10. Incorrect service account credentials

    SQL_Monitor_AD_ServiceAccount_<Domain> like this: image2020-7-29_9-27-46.png (Note: there may be a legacy entry, SQL_Monitor_AD_ServiceAc


  11. Applying tags to monitored servers

    for monitoring or reporting. image2022-1-13_9-28-11.png Tags can be applied from the Monitored servers screen individually or in bulk or


  12. Add Azure SQL Database

    expands: image2021-1-19_16-26-14.png In the Azure SQL Server field, enter the name of the Azure SQL Server you want to monitor ensuring y


  13. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    This is a major release of SQL Monitor which includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: Features Reporting Report-Screenshot.png


  14. Redgate Monitor 7.0 release notes

    This is a major release of SQL Monitor which includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: Features Reporting Report-Screenshot.png


  15. Preparing to add monitored servers

    PostgreSQL for monitoring. Planning-adding-servers-diagram.png Resolving connection issues For security reasons, Redgate Monitor monitors


  16. Use the SQL Change Automation step templates

    will be accessible to all environments. Click Save. You've finished setting up the project steps.The Process tab should look like this. i


  17. Deploy a database package to a single environment using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    looks like this: image2018-6-13_16-34-33.png You've now completed the deployment of the database package. What next? If you have multiple


  18. Rollbacks

    to ask might be: How do I release/rollback new versions of my app while mitigating the risk of data loss? Rather than investing time and


  19. SQL State : 08S01 - The server is not configured to listen with TCP/IP

    If you get this error when connecting to a database with Flyway, you will need to enable TCP/IP in the SQL Server Configuration Manager. T


  20. Data points missing from the Analysis Graph

    points: data-not-collected.png


  21. Custom metrics and alerts

    as data points on the Analysis page when you select a custom metric from the Show drop-down list: image2018-3-20_9-24-48.png What is a cu


  22. What is SQL Monitor

    . SQL-Monitor-architecture-diagram.png SQL Monitor watches the whole estate and raises alerts that warn the DBA of actual or impending pro


  23. How SQL Monitor connects to monitored servers

    over DCOM, it uses RPC/TPC. SQL Monitor connects to Linux machines using SSH. How-SQL-Monitor-connects-servers-diagram.png The Base Monit


  24. WMI over DCOM

    Instrumentation" service. wmi-config.PNG 2. Follow steps in this MSDN article: Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI


  25. Reconnecting automatically after monitoring stopped

    for the entity you want to reconnect, select Retry connection: image2019-1-23_14-25-14.png


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