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  1. Restoring a compressed or encrypted backup

    , but also results in larger compressed files than SQL HyperBac's standard or ZIP-compatible compression. If your system is I/O-bound (for


  2. Backing up with compression or encryption

    resource, but also results in larger compressed files than SQL HyperBac's standard or ZIP-compatible compression. If your system is I/O-b


  3. HyperBac 4 release notes

    4.0 New features Supports full random I/O (HyperBac Online). Unlimited open file handles to HyperBac files. Support for multiple database


  4. Azure DevOps - Classic Editor - Simple Build and Release Pipeline Setup Guide

    Scripts' tab. Using the right-hand side pane, select 'Manage Target Databases'. image-2024-4-10_11-26-45.png Each target database added t


  5. ANTS Performance Profiler 8.0 release notes

    (in File I/O view) or no queries executed (in SQL view) (PP-1152) UI implies it's possible to get line-level timings for XBAP application


  6. GitHub Dockerized YML Pipeline (Using GitHub Actions)

    three commonly asked questions: How do I run Flyway commands inside a pipeline? How can I setup a starter GitHub pipeline, using Flyway?


  7. Setting your version numbering

    just entered 003 when I saved the last migration. image2022-6-16_14-7-16.png The next time it generates a versioned migration, it will ju


  8. Managing connections and memory

    (or press Ctrl + Shift + P): image2016-3-16 14:24:8.png This unloads all database objects from memory. Connecting to a linked server Link


  9. Managing connections and memory

    (or press Ctrl + Shift + P): image2016-3-16 14:24:8.png This unloads all database objects from memory. Connecting to a linked server Link


  10. Configure database files and filegroups

    sysname = N'ExampleFileGroup', @filename NVARCHAR(1000) = N'', @path NVARCHAR(1000) = N'C:\MSSQL\DATA\', @msg NVARCHAR(2048) = N'', @phys


  11. Step 2. Add an alert

    to Medium if it increases and passes above a 7 GB threshold: image2018-3-20_9-40-11.png In some cases, you want to be alerted when values


  12. How SQL Monitor collects metric and alert data

    Server instance, there is a set of SqlServer performance objects that capture metric data on resource use (memory, CPU, I/O), user activi


  13. Switches used in the command line

    >,<Password2>,...,<Password1N> Alias: /bpsw1 Specifies the password for the first backup: sqldatacompare /Backup1:D:\BACKUPS\WidgetStaging


  14. Switches used in the command line

    : sqldatacompare /Backup1:D:\BACKUPS\WidgetStaging.bak /BackupPasswords1:P@ssw0rd /db2:WidgetProduction /BackupPasswords2:<Password1>,<Pas


  15. Switches used in the command line

    /Backup1:D:\BACKUPS\WidgetStaging.bak /BackupPasswords1:P@ssw0rd /db2:WidgetProduction /BackupPasswords2:<Password1>,<Password2>,...,<Pas


  16. List of metrics

    of 90% or lower may indicate increased I/O access and slower performance. Adding more physical RAM may help alleviate this problem. If yo


  17. Generating a new SSH key pair

    then see output along the lines of this: image2023-7-14_11-8-47.png If it is installed then you can skip the next section "Install OpenSS


  18. The methods grid

    the way in which method timings are calculated. You can choose from Wall-clock time which includes blocking such as waiting for I/O, or C


  19. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.2 release notes

    introduced in the last release. Streamlined display controls. Switch more easily between views of your application's call stacks, databas


  20. Deployment

    " -Username "sa" -Password "p@ssw0rd" $DB2 = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "your-server\sql2014" -Database "WidgetProduction"


  21. Switches used in the command line

    : sqldatacompare /Backup1:D:\BACKUPS\WidgetStaging.bak /BackupPasswords1:P@ssw0rd /db2:WidgetProduction /BackupPasswords2:<Password1>,<Pas


  22. Splitting a table

    , to reference the primary key on the primary table. This is for 1:1 or 1:n relationships. Click Next. SQL Prompt creates the split table


  23. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    SQL Server authentication SQLBackupC.exe -I ServerInstance2 -U sa -P MyPassword -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK ='C:\Backups\pubs.sqb'


  24. Static data

    ; MERGE INTO dbo.Shippers AS target USING ( VALUES (1, N'Speedy Express', N'(503) 555-9831'), (2, N'United Package', N'(503) 555-3199'), (


  25. Clickhouse Database

    Clickhouse Verified Versions: N/A Maintainer: Community Supported Versions and Support Levels For information regarding the supported vers


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