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  1. Troubleshooting System.OutOfMemoryException during comparison

    and deploy them manually. To detect all BLOB columns in a database, these queries are useful: SELECT o.[name] AS [Table Name],c.[name] AS


  2. Troubleshooting System.OutOfMemoryException during comparison

    and deploy them manually. To detect all BLOB columns in a database, these queries are useful: SELECT o.[name] AS [Table Name],c.[name] AS


  3. What happens when I run the split table script?

    When you run the script to split a table, the secondary table is created and populated with data. The primary table, and any objects refe


  4. What happens when I run the split table script?

    When you run the script to split a table, the secondary table is created and populated with data. The primary table, and any objects refe


  5. Performance and activity monitoring

    SQL Servers. For example: Investigate which expensive processes and queries are running, and on which databases, which resources are limi


  6. Deployment

    -ServerInstance "your-server\sql2014" -Database "WidgetStaging" -Username "sa" -Password "p@ssw0rd" $DB2 = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -Ser


  7. Setting up the documentation

    To set up the documentation: Click new-project-button.png New Project to create a new project, then enter the SQL Server Connection detai


  8. Troubleshooting System.OutOfMemoryException during comparison

    and deploy them manually. To detect all BLOB columns in a database, these queries are useful: SELECT o.[name] AS [Table Name],c.[name] AS


  9. ReadyRoll 1.3 release notes - October 31st, 2012 Today I am excited to announce Octopus support in ReadyRoll SQL Projects! If you’r


  10. Command line syntax

    /password:P@ssw0rd /password:<password> Alias: /p The password for connecting to the server. You must also provide a username. If you don


  11. Rollback guidance, N-1 compatibility


  12. Migrating projects with custom Migration Log name properties

    ('[$(OldMigrationLogSchema)].[$(OldMigrationLogTableName)]', 'U') IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF SCHEMA_ID(N'$(NewMigrationLogSchemaName)') IS NULL


  13. Default SQL Compare options used by DLM Automation cmdlets


  14. Basic CI with TeamCity or Jenkins jobs

    PostDeploy_images => Reports\PostDeploy_images image2018-3-20_11-56-27.png Create and attach a Version Control Settings root Specify a cu


  15. How do I update an Octopus Deploy step template?

    You can add the latest version of DLM Automation step templates to your Octopus Deploy library from the Octopus Deploy library website. H


  16. How do I include identical objects in my change report?

    By default the Changes.html report that's created as part of the database deployment resource doesn't include identical objects. You can


  17. Alerts

    -15-33.png Then choose, Alert rules. Understanding the alerts Rules are sorted into two major groups. At the top are Grafana managed alert


  18. SQL Server error 3201 - Cannot open backup device

    procedurexp_validate_sqb_backup to associate the encrypted backup with a password: EXEC master..xp_validate_sqb_backup @filename=N'<backu


  19. Update-ClassificationInLiveDatabase

    -------------------------- Update-ClassificationInLiveDatabase -instanceName "sqlserver\sql2016" -databaseName "WideWorldImporters" -user


  20. Command line syntax

    /password:P@ssw0rd /password:<password> Alias: /p The password for connecting to the server. You must also provide a username. If you don


  21. See migration scripts for multiple folders in Flyway Desktop

    If you are using multiple folders for your migration scripts (e.g., this script only runs on my test environment, or I have custom data fo


  22. SQL creation script

    WidgetDev.WidgetPrices MODIFY DateValidFrom DATE DEFAULT sysdate ; ALTER TABLE WidgetDev.WidgetPrices MODIFY Active CHAR DEFAULT ('N'); A


  23. Walkthrough: Using SQLCover with DLM Automation PowerShell cmdlets

    results. image2016-4-20 17-16-22.pngimage2016-4-20 17-16-50.png # The folder name and the xml OpenCover report are specified here $openCo


  24. Excluding SQL code from analysis

    . SQL-Code-Guard-6.JPG


  25. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    \sql2014" -Database "Test" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema -Source $scriptsFolder -Target $test Thi


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