Search for " ̴ٽȣ ũȣīƮ °Ʈ ī ī namedھ īƮ īƮ īƮ " returned 1410 results.

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  1. Command line switches

    initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespace t informationlifecyclemanagement m Specifying a value for /behavior, /ignore, or /storage clear


  2. Command line switches

    is none. Value Alias all a lobs b compression c extents e initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespace t informationlifecyclemanagement m Sp


  3. Command line switches

    objectcomments o constraintnames n indexnames x storage g parallel p sequencevalue v permissions r loggroups l mviewvalue a externaltable


  4. Command line switches

    and scripting data sources. The default is none. Value Alias all a lobs b compression c extents e initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespa


  5. What are the key things I need to know when getting started with Data Masker?

    this one which covers that topic called Can I create my own replacement datasets? . As you traverse back to the Rules in Set tab to build


  6. Command Line Verbs

    ) --IAgreeToTheEula: By using this option you consent to the Redgate EULA (Re


  7. What are the key things I need to know when getting started with Data Masker?

    this one which covers that topic called Can I create my own replacement datasets? . As you traverse back to the Rules in Set tab to build


  8. Command Line Verbs

    ) --IAgreeToTheEula: By using this option you consent to the Redgate EULA (Re


  9. Restoring the master database

    -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server authentication, use


  10. Restoring the master database

    "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" For a named instance, use the -I parameter to specify the instance


  11. Restoring the master database

    "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" For a named instance, use the -I parameter to specify the instance


  12. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    is entered, the default instance is used. To explicitly specify the default, use -I (local) Process Parameters -SQL -SQL "T-SQL_statement


  13. Restoring the master database

    "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" For a named instance, use the -I parameter to specify the instance


  14. SAP HANA (Including SAP HANA Cloud)

    script executed by Flyway, can be executed by SAP HANA (after the placeholders have been replaced). Example /* Single line comment */ CRE


  15. The search results aren't what I expected

    There are several reasons that the results returned by SQL Search might not be as expected. Index is out of date If SQL Search doesn't re


  16. Encoding strings

    string encoding To encode strings, in the Project Settings window, go to Strings Encoding or click the icon in the toolbar. sa_stringsenc


  17. April 2021 - Why you should be testing flyway migrations in CI

    importantly your users, from releasing that critical security fix as you first need to resolve the Flyway migrations. How do I prevent it


  18. GitLab

    run --rm -v $CI_PROJECT_DIR:/project/ redgate/change-automation:$RCA_VERSION build -v -P /project/demo-project/demo-project.conf -t $CI_D


  19. GitLab

    run --rm -v $CI_PROJECT_DIR:/project/ redgate/change-automation:$RCA_VERSION build -v -P /project/demo-project/demo-project.conf -t $CI_D


  20. What Can I Obfuscate?

    SmartAssembly supports the following technologies for obfuscation: .NET 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6.x. .NET Core 2.0* .NET Standard


  21. SQBHostedStorageClient.exe

    . Syntax Command Syntax Description upload SQBHostedStorageClient.exe upload [-i|–instance=<instance name>] [-p|–password=<backup password


  22. The search results aren't what I expected

    There are several reasons that the results returned by SQL Search might not be as expected. Index is out of date If SQL Search doesn't re


  23. Kerberos Config File

    Kerberos Config File Flyway Teams Description The path to the your Kerberos configuration f


  24. T-SQL clone modifications

    As of version 2.6.1, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during clone creation. Whilst SQL Clone creates the clone, the w


  25. T-SQL clone modifications

    As of version 2.6.1, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during clone creation. Whilst SQL Clone creates the clone, the w


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