Search for " ξ ũ渶 r渶 ﷹ̽ õ̽ 渶 巹̽ ξ ¶ΰ渶 ũ渶Ʈ ̽ũ渶" returned 831 results.

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  1. Profiling an assembly in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)

    shfusion.dll . From a command prompt, run: regsvr32 /u %systemroot%\\framework\v2.0.50727\shfusion.dll Open the GAC folder b


  2. SQL Prompt Actions

    shortcut Ctrl + B then Ctrl + U. Insert semicolons Insert semicolons will add any missing semicolons to SQL statements in your script. To


  3. SQL Prompt Actions

    shortcut Ctrl + B then Ctrl + U. Insert semicolons Insert semicolons will add any missing semicolons to SQL statements in your script. To


  4. Command line switches

    storage g parallel p sequencevalue v permissions r loggroups l mviewvalue a externaltablelocation e lengthsemantics t Ignore options can


  5. Command line switches

    forcecolumnorder f forwardslash s defineoff d blanklineson b excludetargetschema e detectcolumnrenames r purgedroptable p suppressalterco


  6. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    , depending on which account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service,


  7. Command line switches

    , and crossschemapermissions) Value Option scriptheader h forcecolumnorder f forwardslash s defineoff d blanklineson b excludetargetschema


  8. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    on which account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service, enter psex


  9. Generating migrations

    sure you are following your project's naming convention (V###__<description>.sql, R__<description>.sql, or U###<description>.sql). This c


  10. Command line switches

    objectcomments o constraintnames n indexnames x storage g parallel p sequencevalue v permissions r loggroups l mviewvalue a externaltable


  11. Working with SQL Code Formatting and Styles (Quick Ref)

    whitespace from the selected code. Formatting and Refactoring Keyboard Shortcuts Action Shortcut Format SQL Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Y Apply Casing O


  12. Working with SQL Code Formatting and Styles (Quick Ref)

    whitespace from the selected code. Formatting and Refactoring Keyboard Shortcuts Action Shortcut Format SQL Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Y Apply Casing O


  13. Handling Schema Drift

    [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'[Person].[Person]') AND [type]='U')) AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE [name]=N'IX_Person_Modifi


  14. SQL Server Management Studio

    , select Advanced... Uncomment Selection (or press CTRL-K then CTRL-U). SSMS-Document-Uncomment.png To deploy your database, de-select the


  15. T-SQL clone modifications

    As of version 2.6.1, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during clone creation. Whilst SQL Clone creates the clone, the w


  16. T-SQL clone modifications

    As of version 2.6.1, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during clone creation. Whilst SQL Clone creates the clone, the w


  17. T-SQL modifications

    As of version 2.4.0, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during image creation. Once SQL Clone has created the image - bu


  18. T-SQL modifications

    As of version 2.4.0, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during image creation. Once SQL Clone has created the image - bu


  19. Run a T-SQL script during image creation

    run. # Script to create a new SQL Clone data image with some additional post-image T-SQL run on the result Connect-SqlClone -ServerUrl …


  20. Run a T-SQL script during image creation

    run. # Script to create a new SQL Clone data image with some additional post-image T-SQL run on the result Connect-SqlClone -ServerUrl …


  21. T-SQL modifications

    As of version 2.4.0, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during image creation. Once SQL Clone has created the image - bu


  22. Source Control for Oracle 2.0 release notes

    (systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style string literals Tables w


  23. T-SQL modifications

    As of version 2.4.0, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during image creation. Once SQL Clone has created the image - bu


  24. Source Control for Oracle 2.0 release notes

    (systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style string literals Tables w


  25. T-SQL clone modifications

    As of version 2.6.1, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during clone creation. Whilst SQL Clone creates the clone, the w


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