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  1. Setting your version numbering

    the smallest number by default and will not include the timestamp if it's removed. Example: If I want to get rid of the timestamp from fu


  2. Example Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline

    : 'I approve the deployment', description: 'To proceed, type I approve the deployment', name: 'Review deployment artifacts before proceedi


  3. Windows Task Scheduler

    , make sure the path is enclosed in quotation marks. image2017-4-5 15:4:27.png Select the Open the Properties dialog for this task when I


  4. June 2021 - A simple way to manage multi-environment deployments

    , and the environment specific details in a relevant config file. For example purposes, I will be demonstrating this with a number of H2 f


  5. The RESTORE command

    is used. Examples Restore a database from a single file This example restores a full backup of the pubs database from a single file. SQLB


  6. Data container

    of less than 1 week). How do I create data containers? The first step is creating a data image from a data image definition file. This is


  7. Error reporting with the SDK

    . Select I want errors reported in my application. Select Custom Template. Click Browse for a Template and then select the DLL that you cr


  8. Setting up feature usage reporting

    . sa_feature_usage_icon.png Select I want my application to report how it is used. Choose the template to use. If error reporting is enabl


  9. Setting up feature usage reporting

    : To report feature usage, in the Project Settings window, go to Feature Usage Reporting or click the icon in the toolbar. sa_feature_usag


  10. Configuring reporting on multiple computers

    Setting the reports database To use Automated Error Reporting or Feature Usage Reporting on more than one computer, the error reports mus


  11. Error reporting with the SDK

    to the Automated Error Reporting feature settings pane or, on the toolbar, click the automated error reporting icon. Select I want errors


  12. The CONVERT command

    MTF format file: SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "CONVERT 'C:\Backups\pubs.sqb' TO 'C:\Backups\pubs.bak' WITH PASSWORD = 'MyPasswo


  13. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service, enter psexec -u "nt


  14. ReadyRoll 1.1 release notes

    1.1 - April 3rd, 2012 Today I am excited to announce that the first feature revision to ReadyRoll SQL Server projects for Visual Studio i


  15. Walkthrough: Using SQLCover with DLM Automation PowerShell cmdlets

    \nuget.exe" # Specify the location of nuget.exe # Pull down ReportGenerator to the PackagesDir using NuGet & $nuget install ReportGenerato


  16. Walkthrough: Using SQLCover with DLM Automation PowerShell cmdlets

    & $nuget install ReportGenerator -Version 2.4.4 -o $PackagesDir # The ReportGenerator executable $reportGeneratorExe = "$PackagesDir\Repo


  17. Working with custom metrics and alerts

    the alerts provided by default and displayed in the Alert Inbox or the Alert settings page (Configuration > Alert settings). How do I cre


  18. What SQL Source Control does

    SQL Source Control lets you version-control the schemas of your SQL Server databases. Why should I version-control my database schemas? V


  19. Installing manually on Windows Server 2022

    . On the General tab, enter the Startup parameters as -i <instance>. You can also check the existing SQL Backup Agent service startup para


  20. Error validating migration scripts

    you've made. What can I do? We need to change the state we've stored for some of the existing migration scripts in your repository. These


  21. Managing SQL Prompt behavior

    pages are reset to the SQL Prompt defaults. Remove warning about resetting formatting options - I don't think it's true for the new forma


  22. Cannot run backup or restore operations

    that you have set the -I command line parameter to the named instance. For more information, see Using the command line.


  23. Preparing to upgrade Redgate Monitor

    schema to the newer version during installation. How do I know when an upgrade is available? When an upgrade is available, Redgate Monito


  24. Issues caused by clock skew

    , and the machines being monitored, have synchronized clock settings. If not, you may experience the issues listed below. I can't log in t


  25. Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables

    and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that bel


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