Search for " Ծ߸ ڳ ͺ Ŀ´Ƽ ǽּ ߸2 ߸ӹٿޱ Ķ ̽ٿ" returned 2002 results.

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  1. Anonymize release notes

    to a maximum of 90) when masking. Added the ability to mask dates of births deterministically. - Released on 2 January 2024 Fe


  2. Export-Classification

    . If not specified, all columns on the instance are exported. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline


  3. SQL Doc 2.1 release notes

    by selecting the Help > Check for Updates. Licensing Licensed users of SQL Doc 2: SQL Doc will remain activated when you install SQL Doc


  4. Customizing the documentation

    appropriate to your version of SQL Doc: Version 1.x HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Red Gate\SQL Documentor Version 2.x HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Soft


  5. Readable, consistently-formatted code

    the required style as the Active Style, then a few keyboard strokes (Ctrl K, Ctrl Y) will apply it to all code, or selected code, within


  6. About Command Line Automation

    , specify this option for each schema. If not specified, all schemas that contain tables will be added to the masking set. -p, --parfile <


  7. Readable, consistently-formatted code

    the required style as the Active Style, then a few keyboard strokes (Ctrl K, Ctrl Y) will apply it to all code, or selected code, within


  8. .NET Reflector 9.3 release notes

    (); case Queue<T> tmp: return 2; case Stack<T> tmp: return 3; } return 4; } int TestMethod2<T>(IEnumerable<T> arg) { if(arg is List<T> lis


  9. SQBHostedStorageClient.exe

    . Syntax Command Syntax Description upload SQBHostedStorageClient.exe upload [-i|–instance=<instance name>] [-p|–password=<backup password


  10. Using SmartAssembly with an ASP.NET website

    pre-compiled code for the website: aspnet_compiler -v "/" -d -p "c:\mywebsite" "c:\mynewwebsite" Open the dependent DLLs (not App_Web_xxx


  11. Best practice rules

    no idea what length you may subsequently need. BP009 – Avoid var types of length 1 or 2 You have used a Variable length datatype (NVARCHA


  12. SQL Prompt 5.2 release notes

    for the first time. You can now turn code auto-completion on/off using a new SQL Prompt menu option, or a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift


  13. Using SmartAssembly with an ASP.NET website

    pre-compiled code for the website: aspnet_compiler -v "/" -d -p "c:\mywebsite" "c:\mynewwebsite" Open the dependent DLLs (not App_Web_xxx


  14. Automated installation and updates, which can be automated with: curl -L -o SQLMon


  15. Automated installation and updates, which can be automated with: curl -L https


  16. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    is less than a fixed value for longer than a specified duration. 2: Use the Disk Usage Estate page The Disk Usage page of the Estate sect


  17. Finding invalid objects before baselining

    -%20Other%20DBs. Added hint after Kathi K confirmed


  18. SQL Search beta program

    Search, which we’re pleased to release in the fourth, and final, beta of SQL Search 2. The new features in this beta include: Search for


  19. SQL Server Management Studio

    , select Advanced... Uncomment Selection (or press CTRL-K then CTRL-U). SSMS-Document-Uncomment.png To deploy your database, de-select the


  20. Analyzing memory dumps

    directory (e.g. %TEMP%\ConsoleApp10.DMP). If your application targets 32-bit platforms and runs in a 64-bit environment, you should use 3


  21. SQL Dependency Tracker 2 documentation

    With SQL Dependency Tracker, you can track dependencies within and between Microsoft SQL Server databases. For more information, see the


  22. Analyzing memory dumps

    dump will be created in a user temporary directory (e.g. %TEMP%\ConsoleApp10.DMP). If your application targets 32-bit platforms and runs


  23. SQL Data Generator 2.0 release notes

    October 2011 SQL Server 2008 R2 support Launch SQL Data Generator from within SSMS You can now generate data by right-clicking a database


  24. Filtering Database Objects

    : <Project database> Destination server: <Project server> Destination database: <Project database>_<User>_SHADOW Click Actions... Filter S


  25. SQL Prompt 5.2 release notes

    for the first time. You can now turn code auto-completion on/off using a new SQL Prompt menu option, or a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift


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