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  1. Migration script examples

    before dropping the original column. For a walkthrough of this process, see Splitting a column without data loss. 1. Schema change Create


  2. Deployment warnings

    with a default password of P@ssw0rd was instead created. Corrupt login SQL Compare displays this warning when the login for a user is not


  3. Unable to access administrator account

    , PrincipalType, PrincipalRole, [All] ) VALUES (N'', 1, -- PrincipalType - 1 = User, 2 = Group 1, -- PrincipalRole -


  4. What's happened to SQL CI?

    In DLM Automation 2, SQL CI was removed and replaced by the DLM Automation PowerShell module. The PowerShell module provides a set of cmd


  5. Unable to access administrator account

    , PrincipalType, PrincipalRole, [All], AuthenticationType ) VALUES (N'', 1, -- PrincipalType - 1 = User, 2 = Group 1,


  6. Set-up an existing project

    Automation by clicking on the SQL Change Automation icon in the toolbar. pasted image 0.png 2. Create a new project Click ‘New database p


  7. Set-up a new project



  8. Get-SqlClone

    for all parent images will be returned. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input true (ByValue)


  9. Worked example - comparing and deploying data

    the message box, click OK. 2. Select data to deploy The results of the comparison are displayed: dco_worked_eg_results_groups.png In this


  10. Use the VSTS Build extension with ReadyRoll

    to validate and build a ReadyRoll project. 1. Prerequisites Make sure you have the following: An existing Visual Studio Team Services (VS


  11. Table-Internal Synchronization Rules

    on CustomerID column would result in something like: ID CustomerID LastName (BEFORE) LastName (AFTER) 1 1 Smith Smith 2 2 Jones Jones 3 1


  12. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup Pro compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup Pro writes t


  13. Offline Activation - Trial Licenses

    a Trial License Key against an Offline Redgate Monitor Webserver will require different steps to be carried out. Section 2 - Activating t


  14. Can't use projects after changing the source control repository URL

    If you change the URL of a source control repository used by a project, Source Control for Oracle can't access the project. To fix this:


  15. Using ignore rules

    ... image2019-2-4_22-30-50.png SOCO_IgnoreScreenshot.jpg You can use use ignore rules to: Reduce the time taken for a database comparison


  16. Using the evaluation repository

    to the evaluation repository Create a new source control project. On step 2 of the wizard, on the Subversion tab, select the Use evaluati


  17. Deploying database changes See the worked examples


  18. Release Notes` 2. `kubectl delete ns monitoring` 3. `curl -sSL


  19. Compression levels

    . Compression level 2 This compression level uses the zlib compression algorithm, and is a variation of compression level 3. On average, t


  20. Upgrading the database structure and data

    need to upgrade a number of databases, you should deploy both packages and run Package 1 followed by Package 2.


  21. Bulk operations via the command line

    running the command line formatter. This argument is required. --path -p The file or directory to format. This argument is required. --cr


  22. Locking objects

    You can only lock objects in Source Control for Oracle 2. If your team works on a shared database, you can lock objects so other people c


  23. Passing TFS Build properties to MSBuild using TFS 2010 or later

    ("/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true {0}", MSBuildArguments)]" Replace every occurrence with: "[String.Format("/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations


  24. Jenkinsfile pipeline as code (state-based deployments)

    allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts:'Artifacts/ReleaseState.onp' echo ('Database build was successful') } else if (status == 2) error ('No


  25. The snapshot failed because .NET did not report every referenced object

    in 'server mode' and the target application has many large objects, a bug in version 2 of the CLR is likely to be the cause. To work arou


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