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  1. Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation

    locations stored on a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation -Path '\\shared-drive\Backups' This co


  2. Get-SqlCloneTemplate

    -20170106110745' from a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Connect-SqlClone -ServerUrl ''


  3. SMB File Share

    , if you get the error mount error(2): No such file or directory you may need to install the keyutils as mentioned in this stackexchange p


  4. Grafana: Logs

    ". Understanding the labels requires some knowledge of kubernetes. The Redgate clone logs will be found in 2 different kubernetes namespac


  5. The BACKUP command

    } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [ ,...n ] [ WITH [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ] [ [ , ] COMPRESSION = { 0 | 1 | 2


  6. Protect

    image2022-2-18_15-51-29.png SQL Data Catalog provides a jumping-off point for your Data Masking needs. Once you have classified a databas


  7. Worked example - source-controlling a database using scripts folders

    . Example 2: committing another version of the schema In this example, we have made some changes to the WidgetStaging schema and want to c


  8. Remove-SqlClone

    'CloneToDelete' on the SQL Server TESTMACHINE\SQL2014. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlClone -Name 'CloneToDelete' | Remove-SqlClo


  9. Remove-SqlCloneImage

    $ImageToDelete This example deletes an image with the name 'ImageToDelete'. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneImage -Name 'Imag


  10. Connect-SqlClone Since no credential is specified the current user's credentials will be used. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------


  11. Get-SqlCloneImage

    ---------- Get-SqlCloneImage This command gets details of all images from a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlClon


  12. Get-SqlCloneImageLocation

    This command gets details of all image locations from a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneImageLocation -Path


  13. Get-SqlCloneMachine

    -SqlCloneMachine This command gets details of all machines from a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneMachine -N


  14. Get-SqlCloneSqlServerInstance

    instances from a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneSqlServerInstance -MachineName TESTMACHINE -InstanceName S


  15. Reset-SqlClone

    'CloneToReset' on the SQL Server TESTMACHINE\SQL2014. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlClone -Name 'CloneToReset' | Reset-SqlClone


  16. Wait-SqlCloneOperation

    returning. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $CloneToDelete = Get-SqlClone -Name 'CloneToDelete' Remove-SqlClone -Clone $CloneToDelete | Wa


  17. Step 2. Add an alert

    cmsteptwo.gif Adding an alert to a custom metric is optional, but it means you'll be notified if the metric value passes certain threshol


  18. The In Progress tab

    the file again according to the following schedule for up to 24 hours: Upload attempt Upload attempt is made 1 Immediately 2 2 minutes af


  19. The Log Copy Queue

    according to the following schedule: Copy attempt Copy attempt is made... 1 Immediately 2 2 minutes after the 1st copy attempt failed 3 4


  20. Slow backup or restore operations

    , Database 2 and Database 3 in C:\Backups\Database 1\Full, C:\Backups\Database 2\Full and C:\Backups\Database 3\Full respectively: "BACKUP


  21. SmartAssembly 6.1 release notes

    , the build will now fail. If a custom feature usage reporting template using .NET 4 is selected, but the application is compiled with .NE


  22. Create an image for the latest backup

    }"" from backup file ""{2}""" -f $(get-date) , $SourceDatabase , $BackupFileName $DataImageName = $SourceDatabase + "_" + (Get-Date -Forma


  23. Get-SqlCloneTemplate

    -20170106110745' from a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Connect-SqlClone -ServerUrl ''


  24. Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation

    locations stored on a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation -Path '\\shared-drive\Backups' This co


  25. New-SqlCloneMask

    ' This example creates a masking modification object that can be provided to the -Modifications parameter of New-SqlCloneImage. ----------


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