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  1. SQL Compare 13.1 release notes

    What's new in SQL Compare 13.1 Improved HTML report generation Comparison reports generated in SQL Compare now have the modern look and f


  2. Monitored SQL Servers

    You can monitor the following servers with SQL Monitor: SQL Server (any edition) Windows Linux SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012 SQL Serv


  3. SQL Monitor 3.3 release notes

    addresses if Send emails is unchecked. SRP-7617 Top 10 queries show selected 'Avg' but shows data for 'Total'. SRP-8698 ERRORLOG director


  4. Managing users with Active Directory

    =ws.10).aspx (TechNet). Log into SQL Monitor as an administrator. Click Add user or group. The Add user or group dialog box opens. Under U


  5. Different values displayed for the same data points on the Analysis Graph

    If you look at a specific point on a graph showing 10 minutes of data, then look at the exact same data point on a graph showing 24 hours


  6. New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    " -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -Source $test -Target $staging This example show how to crea


  7. Cross Database Command Rules

    DM_STAGING_TABLE1 (IDCol number(10), DataCol varchar2(60)); In the above example the Cross Database Command rule will ensure a new empty


  8. Shuffle Rules

    /2012 4 Current 13/07/2013 5 Resigned 14/02/2014 6 Current 15/11/2019 7 Resigned 07/10/2016 8 Retired 18/12/2019 You could write: INNER JO


  9. Investigating Blocking using SQL Monitor

    . Blocking processes (Top 10 by time) If significant blocking has occurred over the period of investigation, the head blocker will appear


  10. Maintenance Plan Conversion Wizard

    Conversion Wizard. Run SQBMaintPlanConv.exe. This is located in the SQL Backup Pro installation folder (by default, %ProgramFiles%\Red Ga


  11. SQL Monitor data retention policy

    processes (top 10 by CPU usage), and on the alert details pages under Details (when trace is turned off). SQL top queries data (1 week) -


  12. Permissions

    . For information on how to assign these permissions, see Add the Log on as a service right to an account


  13. Continuous integration

    variable. On line 10, we've used Test-DlmDatabaseConnection to check we can connect to the test database. On line 11, we've used Sync-Dlm


  14. FAQ

    data containers, but more realistically around 10 if you also plan for continuous usage of those database instances by your team or CI/CD


  15. Backing up before deployment

    is 10% to 20% faster than when compression level 2 is used, and 20% to 33% fewer CPU cycles are used. Backup files are usually 5% to 9% l


  16. Authenticating with Active Directory (TechNet). We recommend you create an administrator group and specify



    to a different disk, so they’re separate from database data files. See Storage Top 10 Best Practises


  18. Getting Ready for SQL Clone

    to install an Agent and supply credentials for the service account that will run it 10 incomplete File Share set up – this is where, init


  19. Splitting a column without data loss

    talkr_prod END GO CREATE DATABASE talkr_dev GO USE talkr_dev GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[customers] ( title varchar(10), name NCHAR(50), city


  20. SQL Monitor 3.1 release notes

    watermark is present. SRP-6683: Error clicking on Top 10 queries whilst in IE7 or IE8. SRP-6704: Custom alert triggering not respecting t


  21. API

    Your first script References Example Scripts PowerShell Cmdlets Custom Types Exported Variables Breaking changes between SQL Monitor 9 an


  22. Filtering alerts

    : Alerts will be shown that were raised in the minute matching the "End" time; for example, if you want to view alerts between 10:00 and 1


  23. Authenticating with Active Directory

    , see Group types: Active Directory (TechNet). We recommend you create


  24. Managing the encryption keys file

    at # which we strongly recommend you read. s+d6uMYJ5K826Yi2FdgQLfLCfDm0Bs+xJlw59LuH/10=


  25. Monitoring SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances and AlwaysOn Availability Groups hosted in Azure IAAS

    be no session persistence. Floating ip (direct server return) should be disabled. image2017-10-9 16:54:38.png Adding the machine in Redga


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