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  1. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  2. Step 1. Define metric

    options available are: every minute every 5 minutes every 10 minutes every 30 minutes every hour every day The first collection will take


  3. About Cross Database Command Rules

    . -- an example of multiple SQL Statements designed to execute on a remote Oracle database. drop table DM_STAGING_TABLE1; create table DM_


  4. Worked example - using a scripts folder as a data source

    of the production database. Under Target, select Scripts folder. Click Create: image2016-8-31 14:10:29.png The Create New Scripts Folder


  5. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  6. Custom Webhook messages

    of the alert High {{alert-raised-time}} When the alert was originally raised 2022-10-12 17:46:30.2567915Z {{alert-event-time}} When this


  7. SQL Monitor 4.0 release notes

    overview pages. You can: use the new Top 10 waits table to see what types of waits were affecting the system, how long SQL Server spent w


  8. Issues caused by clock skew SQL Moni



    place. It’s normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 millisecon



    normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’r



    normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’r



    * waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’re experiencing some type of late



    normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’r


  14. Problems with IIS and ASP.NET

    HTTP Error 500.0 – ASP.NET Core IIS hosting failure (in-process) image2021-10-26_12-37-7.png First, make sure that you have ASP.NET Core M


  15. Continuous integration

    variable. On line 10, we've used Test-DlmDatabaseConnection to check we can connect to the test database. On line 11, we've used Sync-Dlm



    to a different disk, so they’re separate from database data files. See Storage Top 10 Best Practises


  17. Authenticating with Active Directory

    on group types in Active Directory, see Group types: Active Directory


  18. Adding Amazon RDS SQL Server

    Estate, select Monitored servers. Click Add > Amazon RDS SQL Server. You will be redirected to the Add Amazon RDS SQL Server page: image2


  19. Using the Alert Inbox

    can choose to apply the selection to all alerts on all pages: 10 select all all pages.PNG If you choose this option, the message is updat


  20. Migration guide to version 14

    : installing Redgate Monitor on Windows Server 2012 R2 or any earlier version (monitoring is still supported). See Migrating Redgate Monit


  21. Automated installation and updates

    this link in the Summary page: image2020-10-14_15-43-3.png Website INSTALLDIR string Installation directory Default: %ProgramFiles%\Red G


  22. Filtering alerts

    matching the "End" time; for example, if you want to view alerts between 10:00 and 14:00, alerts that were raised up till 14:01 will be s


  23. Different values displayed for the same data points on the Analysis Graph

    If you look at a specific point on a graph showing 10 minutes of data, then look at the exact same data point on a graph showing 24 hours


  24. The cluster and availability group overview pages

    . For more information, see: Cluster fundamentals (MSDN article) You can


  25. SQL Monitor 3.3 release notes

    addresses if Send emails is unchecked. SRP-7617 Top 10 queries show selected 'Avg' but shows data for 'Total'. SRP-8698 ERRORLOG director


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