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  1. Worked examples

    , then type: p The suggestions box shows all relevant suggestions beginning with p : example1_2.gif SQL Prompt always places the most cont


  2. ANTS Performance Profiler 6.1 release notes

    Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista or later, it is not possible to profile websites on IIS. SQL and File I/O profiling is easier to use


  3. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


  4. Renaming objects

    an object using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager Rename, or the T-SQL sp_rename command, the object definition will con


  5. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup Pro compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup Pro writes t



    . Examples Restoring a header file This example retrieves the header information for the pubs.sqb database backup file. SQLBackupC.exe -I


  7. Schema model

    -45-15.png Why should I version control my database schemas? Version control is a good idea for a number of reasons: You can keep track of


  8. "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot create and populate list type..."

    the path to match the install location of the agent or server: gacutil -i "C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Clone Agent\<version>\Newtonsoft


  9. PostgreSQL instance and host machine metrics

    connections to a Postgres Instance at a given time. Block write time The time in ms/s which queries have spent waiting on I/O to write bl


  10. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  11. Problems when restoring from a backup to a compressed database

    a SQL Storage Compress license. If you are using a T-SQL script and the available disk space is less than the space that would be require


  12. SQL Server error 3257 - Insufficient free space

    You may encounter the following error when restoring a backup to a compressed database using a T-SQL script: Msg 3257, Level 16, State 1,


  13. Operating system error 31

    the following T-SQL statement for each database: ALTER DATABASE <database name> SET OFFLINE followed by: ALTER DATABASE <database name> S


  14. Operating system error 38

    . or, Make sure you are connected to the master database, then run the following T-SQL statement for the database: ALTER DATABASE <databas


  15. Schema model

    and clicking the Apply to database button. image2021-7-29_14-46-29.png Why should I version control my database schemas? Version control


  16. Rollback guidance

    question to ask might be: How do I release/rollback new versions of my app while mitigating the risk of data loss? Rather than investing


  17. Activate

    You'll need your SQL Toolbelt license key, which you can find on your invoice or by going to http://r


  18. ReadyRoll 1.11 release notes T-SQL scripts generated with the SQL Server Object Explorer are not being added to the ReadyRoll project (


  19. Double hit counts occurring on one line

    ANTS Perfomance Profiler may be showing unrealistic hit counts in the source code window. For instance: 100 ->if (i=o) 200 -> { dosomethi


  20. Gradle Task - flywayUndo

    = 'C:/myproject' jdbcProperties = [ 'someProperty' : 'someValue', 'someOtherProperty' : 'someOtherValue' ] } Sample output > gradle flywa


  21. Gradle Task - flywayMigrate

    output > gradle flywayMigrate -i Current schema version: 0 Migrating to version 1 Migrating to version 1.1 Migrating to version 1.2 Migra


  22. Error - IO error on backup or restore restart-checkpoint file

    When backing up or restoring, the following error may occur: I/O error on backup or restore restart-checkpoint file 'C:\Program Files\Mic


  23. Double hit counts occurring on one line

    ANTS Perfomance Profiler may be showing unrealistic hit counts in the source code window. For instance: 100 ->if (i=o) 200 -> { dosomethi


  24. Setting up database connections

    "AdventureWorksIntegration" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DatabaseConnection to a variable, you can


  25. Using SQL Compare filters with SQL Change Automation PowerShell module

    :\Work\scripts\" $test = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "test01\sql2012" -Database "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $


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