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  1. Scheduling backups - file settings

    (SQL Backup Pro 7.3 and later) or a network location, and configure settings to manage existing backup files. ScheduleBackupStep4.png Cho


  2. Custom Webhook messages

    sent and subsequently shown within Microsoft Teams. image2020-3-17_7-34-21.png


  3. Inserting suggestions into your code

    key is held down option. image2019-5-8_16-35-8.png Order of suggestions The order in which suggestions are listed depends on the context


  4. Setting project options

    24x24.png (Edit Project), or select Project Options from the Tools menu. Some of the options apply only to the comparison, and don't affe


  5. SQL Compare 12.4 release notes

    an object in the source database and its counterpart in the target database: image2017-5-16 15:55:50.png As illustrated in the screenshot


  6. What are the key things I need to know when getting started with Data Masker?

    -41-6.png The Substitution Rule dialogue is intuitive, choosing the table, the column and the replacement dataset. What you may not readil


  7. Data Masker for Oracle 6.1 (Archived)

    – Data Masker 6.1.12 Features Generating PARFILEs from the UI command line (-G) will now prompt for where it should be saved. Added a lin


  8. Installing a local instance of SQL Server Express

    cinst MsSqlServer2012Express @ECHO Adding [BUILTIN\Users] to sysadmin role on local SQL instance "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110


  9. Diagnosing Deadlocks

    of the Alerts screen shows a graphical depiction of the deadlock graph: word-image-19.png The source of the Extended Events XML Deadlock


  10. MSPs: providing clients with visibility into SQL Monitor

    not to be stored outside a particular network. More information about setting up this kind of environment. image2019-6-12_15-28-37.png An


  11. Slow backup or restore operations

    location tags. Deleting backup and restore history If you have selected the option to Delete all backup and restore history older than <n


  12. Setting project options

    24x24.png (Edit Project), or select Project Options from the Tools menu. Some of the options apply only to the comparison, and don't affe


  13. SQL Monitor 5.2 release notes

    this name throughout SQL Monitor. You can access this feature from the new dashboard. image2016-5-11 13:57:3.png


  14. Restoring the master database

    folder. Start SQL Server in single user mode using sqlservr.exe -c -m for an unnamed instance, or sqlserver -c -m -s <instance name> for


  15. Switching branches

    Refresh. The differences between the two branches are displayed. Select the objects in the list, then right-click on them and click Rever


  16. Scheduling restores - create restore schedule

    Scheduling restore jobs > Select destination server and backups to restore > Select destination database > Specify file locations > Speci


  17. Re-including tables which you excluded when creating your masking set

    ! To do this: 1. Edit the Rule Controller, go to the Tools tab and Refresh Tables and Indexes DMS6_doc11_img1.png   2. Find and (multi)sel


  18. Migration scripts

    %20-%20Migration%20Scripts%20-%20Undo%20Migrations. S


  19. Getting Started with Redgate Change Control

    will need permission to create schemas. If this is not possible, then the schema(s) that you are tracking changes to in Dev need to exist


  20. Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation

    full paths to your backup file(s) using the BackupFileName argument. The Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation cmdlet gets details of existing backu


  21. SC003

    wrong with the design of the database(s), since batches should always for security, run in the database context of that database user. An


  22. ANTS Performance Profiler 9.1 release notes

    ANTS Performance Profiler doesn't currently support profiling applications using ASP.NET 5's DNX deployment framework Other changes PP-90


  23. Overview of SQL Monitor and its design

    , which hosts 8 Availability Groups (1 database per AG). Global-dashboard-diagram.png Server Overviews page By clicking on the name of an


  24. FAQs

    deleted: image2020-6-30_14-31-26.png If you try to access the instance, then you will get a The agent on [MACHINE_NAME] needs additional


  25. SQL Prompt 7.5 release notes

    Version - April 11th, 2017 Features SP-6197 Add support for SQL Server 2016's WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER Fixes SP-6189 Error starti


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