Search for " NEWWONDERFULGAME νԸӽ Ŭ° Ȧ 綳̰ ī 7 Ŀ ŴϾư" returned 1998 results.

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  1. PE012

    . Anything that changes the execution context will force a recompile. Available in SQL Monitor 7 documentation SQL Monitor https://documen


  2. DEP018

    ALL option in GRANT/DENY/REVOKE statement is deprecated The ALL keyword is highly confusing as it doesn’t add all permissions. It is lega


  3. DEP022

    DROP INDEX with two-part name is deprecated This syntax will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this syn


  4. DEP016

    TORN_PAGE_DETECTION option is deprecated The TORN_PAGE_DETECTION option only checks the first 2 bytes in every 512-byte sector. Corruptio


  5. BP007

    Variable-size datatype without explicit length A variable-size datatype that is declared without an explicit size is a shorthand for spec


  6. BP018

    UPDATE statement without WHERE or INNER JOIN clause The UPDATE statement has neither a WHERE nor an INNER JOIN clause, and it will update


  7. BP003

    SELECT in trigger One or more SELECT statements were found in a trigger. The trigger should never return data to a client. It is possible


  8. DEP014

    and easier to control. Available in SQL Monitor 7 documentation SQL Monitor SQL Prompt 9 documentat


  9. BP004

    into the wrong column. Available in SQL Monitor 7 documentation SQL Monitor SQL Prompt 9 documentat


  10. DEP011

    DBCC INDEXDEFRAG is deprecated DBCC INDEXDEFRAG is deprecated. ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE can perform index defragmentation without taking th


  11. How V2 migration scripts are used in deployment

    at revision A. image2013-10-11 17:5:19.png 7 SQL Source Control prepends Lucy's migration script from step 2 to the remainder script from


  12. SQL Source Control 3.6 release notes

    for Vault 7 Fixes TFS users no longer need to modify a config file to link to TFS 2012 or later When information about who make a change


  13. Sybase ASE

    ), @customerID VARCHAR(10) BEGIN select @customerID = customerID from inserted IF exists (select 1 from Sales tbl, inserted i where


  14. The New Table-Internal Synchronization Rule Form

    be grouped - if there is more than one, press the Add button to generate another placeholder. Note the I icon located in the header the J


  15. Using the command line mode

    ,keypassword:"p@ssword" prune:[true | false ], Enable / Disable pruning merge:[true | false ], Disable / Enable dependencies merging (Note


  16. The system cannot find the file specified

    : %systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe In IIS 6 only: %systemroot%\system32\iisapp.exe In IIS 7 only: appcmd.exe, located in the same folder


  17. Requirements for Schema Doc for Oracle

    To use Redgate's tools for Oracle, you need: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or


  18. SQL Backup File Converter

    , if the file is encrypted. Switches /sqb Convert from a SQL Backup 6 or 7 compatible file to a version 5 compatible file. Note that versi


  19. The system cannot find the file specified

    : %systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe In IIS 6 only: %systemroot%\system32\iisapp.exe In IIS 7 only: appcmd.exe, located in the same folder


  20. SQL Clone 2 release notes

    some error conditions Improved behaviour around cancelling operations September 7, 2018 - SQL Clone 2.7.7 This release of SQL Clone inclu


  21. SQL Monitor 2.0 release notes

    configuration, e.g. ”Job failed” alert, contain the name of the instance twice. “Back in time” can sometime crash with an error when usin


  22. SQL Monitor 3.5 release notes

    issue The Analysis page may be slow if you're using Internet Explorer 7 and 8. For the best SQL Monitor experience, please update Interne


  23. Unable to push changes to remote git repository

    environments. This is a known issue for those running SQL Source Control on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2012.. How to avoid the problem E


  24. HTML reports are generated for identical comparisons

    if the schemas are the same, which can be used to delete the report. Here is an example batch file: "C:\program files\red gate\sql compar


  25. The execution plan diagram

    the fastest and uses the least CPU processing and I/O. You can use information from execution plans to improve the performance of your qu


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