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  1. Using the command line mode

    on logs saved to file and those displayed in the command line. Note: Enabling verbose logging may significantly affect performance. /logF


  2. About Command Line Automation

    in the parameter file. This keyword is required. LOGFILEDIR The directory where Data Masker will place the log files. Data Masker creates


  3. Command line switches

    a service name (default). /loglevel:<level> Alias: /log Creates a log file with a specified minimum log level. The default is none. Log f


  4. Restoring backups - restore options

    and transaction log backups can be restored to it. This is equivalent to using the SQL Server RESTORE WITH STANDBY option. To change the


  5. Using the wizard to create compressed databases

    not compress the transaction log files (*.ldf) unless you select encryption. This is because the transaction log file generally represent


  6. Worked example - restoring from a backup file

    This worked example demonstrates a table-level restore from a backup file. You can also restore specific rows. In the example, the Magic W


  7. The system cannot find the file specified

    The system cannot find the file specified


  8. Failing over to a standby server

    . If there are transaction log backup files remaining in the log shipping shared folder, restore them to the standby database, specifying


  9. List of metrics

    . Total size The total size (in GB) of all data files (.mdf and .ndf) and log files (.ldf) for this database. Equivalent PerfMon counter S


  10. SQL Server on Linux metrics and alerts

    file used File size File used Total log size Total log space used Log space used Log bytes flushed/sec Log flushes/sec Log flush waits/se


  11. SQL Server on Linux metrics and alerts

    file used File size File used Total log size Total log space used Log space used Log bytes flushed/sec Log flushes/sec Log flush waits/se


  12. Basic command line features

    . To append output from the tool to an existing file, for example to append to a log without losing the data already present in the log, e


  13. Worked example - restoring from a backup file

    This worked example demonstrates a table-level restore from a backup file. You can also restore specific rows. In the example, the Magic


  14. Worked example - restoring from a backup file

    This worked example demonstrates a table-level restore from a backup file. You can also restore specific rows. In the example, the Magic


  15. Restoring backups - restore options

    and transaction log backups can be restored to it. This is equivalent to using the SQL Server RESTORE WITH STANDBY option. To change the


  16. Updating style files from before version 10.5

    In version 10.5 of SQL Prompt, the format of the files used to store files was changed. The old styles will be updated to the new format


  17. SQL Search 3.5 release notes

    SQL Search 3.5.5 - 19th May 2021 Fixes Fixed an issue where SQL Search would not log to the log file. SQL Search 3.5.4 - 22nd March 2021 F


  18. Redgate Change Automation 3 release notes

    Improvements Improve the logging provided when release perform fails. 3.10.10536 - August 28 2020 Improvements A comparison option file g


  19. Setting data sources

    selected a partial, filegroup, or transaction log backup. sc_icon_backuppadlock.gif One or more files in the backup set is encrypted. Cli


  20. The system cannot find the file specified

    The system cannot find the file specified


  21. The system cannot find the file specified

    may throw the following exception: Unable to start profiler - exception details System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot f


  22. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    on the disk volumes holding: The data and log files for of each user and system database, and The database backups and log backups If a d


  23. Working with local folders

    Gate\HyperBac\logs Log path: the HyperBac Control Service writes log data to files in this folder. This log data includes information abo


  24. Worked example - restoring from a backup file

    This worked example demonstrates a table-level restore from a backup file. You can also restore specific rows. In the example, the Magic


  25. Dependencies excluded by a filter file are included for comparison

    Dependent (referenced) objects are included for comparison by default, even if you specify a filter file which excludes them. To make sur


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