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  1. Top procedures

    of metrics as follows: Impact = log((TotalCPUTime x 3) + TotalLogicalReads + TotalLogicalWrites) What are the queries within the procedur


  2. Filtering alerts

    will see: alerts raised for the machine itself (such as disk space or memory alerts) alerts raised for all instances running on it (such


  3. Top queries

    the queries which need most attention. It is calculated from a combination of metrics as follows: QueryImpact = log((TotalCPUTime x 3) +


  4. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes Known issues IIS path


  5. Quickstart - Command-line

    it to a flyway folder. If you have installed Flyway using Flyway Desktop, copy the flyway CLI folder from the installation folder (eg "C:


  6. Baselines

    folder. The initial name of the baseline file will follow the pattern 001_YYYYMMDD-HHMM_username.sql. Note that you may rename the initia


  7. Oracle comparison settings

    These are the settings relating to database comparisons and deployment script generation for Oracle. Oracle settings table Name Required?


  8. Could not establish a secure SQL Server connection using SSL encryption

    cog in the top right of an opened project and check trust the server certificate. OR Edit the URL property in the settings file to append


  9. PowerShell API

    access to your PowerShell session and you'll need to download the SQL Monitor PowerShell Module. The cmdlets in this file can be used to


  10. Downloading the PowerShell Module

    RedgateSQM zip file. Remove-Item $ModuleZip


  11. Setting up Webhook notifications

    file %PROGRAMDATA%\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\RedGate.SqlMonitor.Engine.Alerting.Base.Service.exe.settings.config and insert either of the foll


  12. Cannot access resource when browsing SQL Servers with Windows authentication

    through the Folder Browser or File Browser, you may encounter the following error: Cannot access resource. Check that you have the correc


  13. Flyway Desktop using other databases

    your database from the dropdown when creating a new project: image2022-1-20_13-51-29.png You can also import an existing flyway.conf file


  14. Using Oracle's Flashback Technology

    Project's migrations folder, create a new file called afterClean__Clone-using-Flashback.sql. (CallBack scripts … with your team Save thi


  15. Backing up all databases on an instance

    of backup (full, differential or transaction log), then select the databases you want to back up. To back up all databases, or all system


  16. Generating migrations

    scripts were generated and their names. image2021-10-28_15-53-49.png Next steps Commit the files to version control using the Version con


  17. Setting SQL Monitor data retention policy

    . Storage data (1 year) – Displayed on the Disk Capacity Planning page, the Database overview page under Files, the Analysis page, listed


  18. The files behind the Clone have grown to be very large

    The differencing disk does not inflate except when there is a database write. Users have sometimes seen this grow very quickly when they


  19. Redgate compare settings

    These are the settings relating to database comparisons and deployment script generation. Elements Name Required? Type Description filterF


  20. Getting started with SQL Change Automation projects in Visual Studio

    , from the File menu, select New > Project. The New Project page is displayed: image2018-6-13_11-1-38.png From the Installed > Other Langu


  21. Configure the Base Monitor Service and SQL Monitor database

    that you're currently logged into. Or Select Specify an account, choose either Windows or SQL Server authentication, and provide the acco


  22. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    , the following is displayed: monitoring-connected.png If there is a problem collecting data from a server, click Show log: connection-fai


  23. Setting up email notification

    to help you understand what the problem is before you log in to view details of the alert


  24. Filtering alerts

    will see: alerts raised for the machine itself (such as disk space or memory alerts) alerts raised for all instances running on it (such


  25. SQL Monitor 6.0 release notes

    log entries are truncated by default, but can be expanded if the full text is needed. SRP-10834 Server Overview database count could give


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