Search for "log files" returned 4688 results.

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  1. SQL Monitor 9.1 Release Notes

    machines in the database (including recently added clusters) SRP-12087 Fixed an issue with changing recovery model not clearing log backu


  2. Hardware and performance guidelines

    . We recommend having 1GB for each of the components to accommodate for the growth of application logs. SQL Server for the repository We r


  3. Development source

    file for your project. Development database To use a database as your development source you must specify: The connection string for the


  4. SQL Change Automation PowerShell 4.4 release notes

    4.4.22264 - September 21st, 2022 Improvements: Internal library updates 4.4.22258 - September 15th, 2022 Improvements: Internal library up


  5. Permissions required to monitor SQL Server

    . The user does not need to have administrative (sudo) access. The following permissions on the file system would be sufficient; Read Exec


  6. Release notes

    and bug fixes: Features SQL Clone Server creates logs in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Red Gate\Logs\SQL Clone SQL Clone Agent creates logs in subdirect


  7. Flyway settings

    ] placeholderA = "A" placeholderB = "B" [flyway.plugins.sqlserver] kerberosLoginFile = "kerberos-login-file" [] sqlplus = tru


  8. Setting up Webhook notifications

    file %PROGRAMDATA%\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\RedGate.SqlMonitor.Engine.Alerting.Base.Service.exe.settings.config and insert either of the foll



    to add additional NICs and split your backup into multiple files through the new NICs. Consider separating your access and backup network


  10. Disk Usage

    with files stored on the disk. Disk The name of the logical disk. Space used The current space used on the disk. Capacity The current cap


  11. Moving from SQL Monitor Web Server to IIS

    during installation of SQL Monitor. By default this is: C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\Web Specify an available port number and ap


  12. SQL Server performance and activity monitoring

    , and to illuminate any gradual trends or sudden changes, such as a sudden drop in available memory, or increase in the file sizes for cer


  13. SQL Monitor 9.1 Release Notes

    machines in the database (including recently added clusters) SRP-12087 Fixed an issue with changing recovery model not clearing log backu


  14. SQL Monitor 6.0 release notes

    log entries are truncated by default, but can be expanded if the full text is needed. SRP-10834 Server Overview database count could give


  15. Hardware and performance guidelines

    . We recommend having 1GB for each of the components to accommodate for the growth of application logs. SQL Server for the repository We r


  16. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    monitoring, the following is displayed: monitoring-connected.png If there is a problem collecting data from a server, click Show log: con


  17. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    SRP-11129 Use xp_readerrorlog to read error log SRP-11130 Show loading indicator for Top Queries and Server Waits SRP-11131 No top 10 que


  18. SQL Monitor 10.0 Release Notes

    or earlier, SQL Monitor will now alert on deadlocks using the error log even if extended events is turned on SRP-12913 Fix issues with gr


  19. Preparing for adding monitored servers

    to Configuration > Monitored Servers, in the web interface, and check the monitoring status, for machine and instance, and the SQL Monito


  20. Installing the upgrade

    the physical path to the SQL Monitor web server configured in IIS. Change the path to C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Monitor. For full ins


  21. Moving from SQL Monitor Web Server to IIS

    during installation of SQL Monitor. By default this is: C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\Web Specify an available port number and ap



    to add additional NICs and split your backup into multiple files through the new NICs. Consider separating your access and backup network


  23. Performance and activity monitoring

    in available memory, or increase in the file sizes for certain databases. Alert inbox – using the Alerts page to understand the main sour


  24. Could not find server in sys.servers or linked server returned message "login timeout expired"

    object to the environments used for building Add a new pre-deployment script to handle dynamic creation of synonyms. Name this file accor


  25. SQL Change Automation PowerShell 4.3 release notes

    4.3.21244 - September 1st, 2021 Fixes: VT-99 Octopus Deploy *.json files update redgate-deploy-from-database.json in now version 37 redga


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