Search for " ̽渶 ĭ λ渶 ѱȸƮ ̽ 渶ϴ¹ 渶 ̽渶 " returned 1081 results.

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  1. Insufficient async disk I/O kernel resources

    for asynchronous disk I/O SQL Server Reason: 0x00000003 Status: 0x0000000b Unable to create a new asynchronous I/O context. Please increa


  2. Jenkins

    returnStatus: true, label: "Build", script: "rca build -P \"${ProjectPath}\" -t ${CiDatabaseJdbc} -o \"${BuildArtifactPath}\" -c -f -v -u


  3. Jenkins

    returnStatus: true, label: "Build", script: "rca build -P \"${ProjectPath}\" -t ${CiDatabaseJdbc} -o \"${BuildArtifactPath}\" -c -f -v -u


  4. How do I configure SQL Code Guard with VS as an add-in or a check-in policy?

    How do I use SQL Code Guard with VS, either as an add-in or a check-in policy? Place the SQL Code Guard settings file (sqlcodeguard.setti


  5. flyway-dev command line

    a project (Oracle) flyway-dev init -n ProjectName -p C:\WorkingFolders\FWD\ProjectFolder --database-type Oracle --i-agree-to-the-eula # G


  6. ErrorOverrides

    codes), a colon and finally the desired behavior that should override the initial one. The following behaviors are accepted:</p> D to for


  7. DLM Dashboard doesn't display the changes I expected

    I can't see all the changes I was expecting If you can't see all the changes you were expecting, this may be because they are ignored by


  8. Scripting SQL Backup

    authentication SQLBackupC.exe -I ServerInstance2 -U sa -P MyPassword -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK ='C:\Backups\pubs.sqb' WITH PASSW


  9. Restoring the master database

    -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server authentication, use


  10. Jenkins

    Analysis for Oracle; Checking for Invalid Objects" def status status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Build", script: "rca build -P \"${


  11. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    SQL Server authentication SQLBackupC.exe -I ServerInstance2 -U sa -P MyPassword -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK ='C:\Backups\pubs.sqb'


  12. Restoring the master database

    "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" For a named instance, use the -I parameter to specify the instance


  13. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    SQL Server authentication SQLBackupC.exe -I ServerInstance2 -U sa -P MyPassword -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK ='C:\Backups\pubs.sqb'


  14. Restoring the master database

    "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" For a named instance, use the -I parameter to specify the instance


  15. Types of control

    (for example, <i>, <b>, <p>, <ul>, <li>, <h1>, h2>, <pre>) for formatting the text in the help window. In most cases, you will want to id


  16. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    SQL Server authentication SQLBackupC.exe -I ServerInstance2 -U sa -P MyPassword -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK ='C:\Backups\pubs.sqb'


  17. Restoring the master database

    "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" For a named instance, use the -I parameter to specify the instance


  18. Types of control

    (for example, <i>, <b>, <p>, <ul>, <li>, <h1>, h2>, <pre>) for formatting the text in the help window. In most cases, you will want to id


  19. Encoding strings

    string encoding To encode strings, in the Project Settings window, go to Strings Encoding or click the icon in the toolbar. sa_stringsenc


  20. Why do I need to log in?

    later, add it to our UserVoice forum Which account should I use? Just use your


  21. Command Line Verbs

    to - this should be a .zip file (Required) --project (-P) : The path to the *.conf file created by Redgate Change Control … for connecti


  22. Command Line Verbs

    to - this should be a .zip file (Required) --project (-P) : The path to the *.conf file created by Redgate Change Control … for connecti


  23. SQBHostedStorageClient.exe

    . Syntax Command Syntax Description upload SQBHostedStorageClient.exe upload [-i|–instance=<instance name>] [-p|–password=<backup password


  24. "The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error"

    2023-04-01 21:47:37.781 +01:00 [ERR] CreateImageRequestEvent (image name: "[image name]") Operation 50286 failed with general exception Sy


  25. "Failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" when using the CLI

    nmap -p {port} --script ssl-cert {address} openssl cat /dev/null | openssl s_client -showcerts {address}:{port} 2>/dev/null | openssl x50


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