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  1. Backup Provisioner

    the backup provisioner a good alternative to a baseline script. Speeding up shadow provisioning - restoring a backup file that represents


  2. Modify database ownership and settings

    as part of every deployment. Pre and post deployment scripts are deployed to every environment You need to provide your own error handlin


  3. This commit doesn't meet the server's policy requirements, or the policy isn't configured on your machine

    on your machine." About TFS policies Policies are set by your team's server administrator to make sure commits meet requirements they spe


  4. An unidentified program wants to access your computer

    : An unidentified program wants to access your computer. This is caused by a bug in the Windows Vista operating system. The message should


  5. Command line switches

    commands. Use in conjunction with /verbose for more detailed information. If this switch is used with any switches other than /verbose, t


  6. Times in source code window are greater than the times showing in the method grid or tree view

    When adding together the line-level timings for a method in the source code view, the sum may be greater than what is shown in the method


  7. Configure database files and filegroups

    as part of every deployment. Pre and post deployment scripts are deployed to every environment You need to provide your own error handlin


  8. Attaching to a running .NET 4 process

    only do this if you haven't hard-coded any references to specific .NET versions in your code. For more information, see Forcing your appl


  9. Command line switches

    commands. Use in conjunction with /verbose for more detailed information. If this switch is used with any switches other than /verbose, t


  10. The Team Foundation Server for this workspace does not support one or more of the checkin options you have selected

    This error means your version of the Team Foundation Server client that SQL Source Control is using is incompatible with your version of


  11. Flyway Community Database Support

    is done through a JDBC connection. The advantage of this approach is that JDBC is a widely adopted standard; with little more than a JDBC


  12. This commit doesn't meet the server's policy requirements, or the policy isn't configured on your machine

    on your machine." About TFS policies Policies are set by your team's server administrator to make sure commits meet requirements they spe


  13. Times in source code window are greater than the times showing in the method grid or tree view

    When adding together the line-level timings for a method in the source code view, the sum may be greater than what is shown in the method


  14. V7 enhanced performance (beta)

    We were working on new algorithms to mask your data faster. We have covered the most commonly used rules and will be taking them out of b


  15. SQL Prompt 10.12 release notes

    during the format. Fixed an issue where Script As Insert would not batch values together if more than 1000 values were scripted. 10.12.3.


  16. Times in source code window are greater than the times showing in the method grid or tree view

    When adding together the line-level timings for a method in the source code view, the sum may be greater than what is shown in the method


  17. Inserting suggestions into your code

    SQL Prompt provides SQL code auto-completion using the suggestions box. The suggestions box pops up to display items based on what you ty


  18. Attaching to a running .NET 4 process

    only do this if you haven't hard-coded any references to specific .NET versions in your code. For more information, see Forcing your appl


  19. SQL Compare 13.2 release notes

    g This SQL is a little longer than before, but basically it ensures: We will never create a server login, as this could have security impl


  20. Attaching to a running .NET 4 process

    only do this if you haven't hard-coded any references to specific .NET versions in your code. For more information, see Forcing your appl


  21. Configuring SQL Server memory

    Backup error 1000, 1010, 1020, 1030, or 1040 is raised during a backup operation, SQL Backup attempts the backup up to 5 more times, usin


  22. Obfuscating your code with SmartAssembly

    SmartAssembly allows you to obfuscate your code in many ways. For maximum protection, you should enable as many of the different types of


  23. Obfuscating your application's control flow

    Control obfuscation changes the code inside your methods, converting it into 'spaghetti code'. To use control flow obfuscation, in the Pr


  24. Obfuscating your application's control flow

    Control obfuscation changes the code inside your methods, converting it into 'spaghetti code'. To use control flow obfuscation, in the Pr


  25. Understanding ANTS Memory Profiler

    have a leak in managed memory, it is likely that you are leaking more than one object: Your object, which is kept in memory because of th


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