Redgate Monitor 14

Creating, configuring and downloading reports

What can be included in reports?

Redgate Monitor supports four types of tiles that you can include in reports:

Summary tiles

These are a set of predefined reporting tiles:

  • Queries using most CPU worker time – Shows the longest running queries across your estate. 

  • Instances with lowest uptime – Shows the top 5 SQL Server instances with lowest uptime across your estate. 
  • Fastest filling disks – Shows the top 5 logical disks across your estate that are most likely to run out of space. 
  • Alert summary – Shows a breakdown of alerts for the current and previous periods by severity (High, Medium and Low) and alert type.
  • Server summary – Shows summary information about the SQL Server instance and host machine.
  • Server waits by day – Shows SQL Server waits for the top 5 SQL Servers with the highest cumulative waits over the report period. 
  • Logon failures – Shows the top logon failure messages recorded in the error log over the report period. 
  • Job  failures – Shows total number of job failures and most frequent job failures.
  • Server unreachable events – Shows total downtime for all and a breakdown of affected servers.

Analysis tiles

These tiles can be created from anything that can be shown in the Analysis graph (including custom metrics) over the time period of the report. See: Displaying metrics on the analysis graph.

Alert tiles

These tiles present a table of alerts using alert inbox filters from the alert inbox page. You can select the filter, the maximum number of rows to display, and whether to use the filter's time range or the report time range.

Deadlock tiles

These tiles present the top 5 deadlocks for either the whole estate or a chosen SQL Server instance

Creating a report

  1. Navigate to the Reports page.

  2. Click the "+ New report" button: 


  3. Enter a report name and select whether you would like the report to be emailed automatically.

  4. Enter the recipients to whom you wish the report to be emailed.
  5. (Optional) Send a test email to check the validity.
  6. Select the period you would like the report to cover.

  7. Enter when you would like the report emailed to you, the frequency of the emails and the email recipients. See: Scheduling emailed reports for more information about emailing reports.

  8. Click the "Save" button.

Adding a chart/tile

  1. Click the "Add Tile" button:

  2. (Optional) Enter a custom title for the tile. 

  3. Choose the screen width of the graph. The following widths are available: 

    1. Full
    2. Three-quarters
    3. Two-thirds
    4. Half
    5. Third
    6. Quarter
  4. Choose the tile type. The following types are available: 

    1. Analysis graph
    2. Summary tile
    3. Alert tile
    4. Deadlock tile
  5. If the Analysis graph is chosen, select the metrics using the metric selector: 

  6. If the Summary tile is chosen, choose from the available summary tiles:

  7. Click "Add" to add the tile to the report. 

Editing, moving and deleting a chart/tile

  1. Click the menu button at the top right of the tile to show the following options:

    1. Edit tile will bring up the edit dialog.

    2. Remove tile will delete the tile from the report.

    3. Move up will move the tile up one place.

    4. Move down will move the tile down one place. 

Editing, deleting and downloading a report

  1. Click the report menu icon to show the following options:

    1. Rename report
    2. Email settings configure where and when the report is sent via email.
    3. Duplicate report to make a new copy of the report with a different name.
    4. Save as PDF will let you download the current report as a PDF.
    5. Delete report will delete the current report and any associated email schedules.

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