Redgate Clone

Application status is not Ready after installation

During installation, the application status as shown in the Admin Console will be "Unavailable" or "Updating".

Once installation is complete, it should be "Ready".

Sometimes, the status can stay in "Unavailable" or "Updating" due to an issue, meaning that Redgate Clone will not be functional (or might be partially functional).


In the Admin Console, click on the "Details" link next to the application status to show the status of each Kubernetes pod: 

Many pods are listed as "Unavailable"
  • Ensure that the Kubernetes node(s) (or node pools when using AKS) were labelled according to step 4 of the installation instructions.
  • Use kubectl describe  or k9s to view some of the pod's events, looking for extra information on what is preventing them from being ready.
A single pod is listed as "Pending"
  • Use kubectl describe  or k9s to view the pod's events, looking for extra information on what is preventing it from being ready.

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