Redgate Clone

Failed to create data image from backup

The rgclone create data-image command may fail, with output that looks like this:

ERROR: Operation failed (OperationFailed=23): Failed to create data image from backup!

(Conflict=12): Failed to create data image 'my-image' (123) [status: 409]

Please run 'rgclone logs data-image 123' for more information


Run the rgclone logs data-image command as suggested, and it should output a more specific error message. The most common messages are listed below:

Specific error messageDescriptionSteps to resolve
"Failed to determine size of backup: error when getting backup sizes: Path “my-backups/my-db.bak” does not exist in the file share"

The backup file specified in the image definition YAML could not be found:

  • Check for typos in the file name or path.
  • Ensure the path is a valid Unix / POSIX file-path, not a Windows one.
  • Ensure the path is relative to the root of the file-share.
An error related to Ceph, e.g.,:
  • "Failed to create file-system for image in ceph".
  • "Failed to take initial snapshot of image in ceph".
  • "Failed to save initial ceph snapshot of image".
There is a problem relating to the storage of data images/containers.
"Post-processing of image failed"Often this is because of an error when restoring the backup into a running database instance.
  • Is the database engine version compatible? Check the version specified in your image YAML file is compatible with the database that exported the backup.
  • Check for problems with the backup itself - can it be restored to an equivalent database instance outside of Redgate Clone?
  • Use kubectl or k9s to view the logs of kubernetes-worker pods to see detailed errors.
"Failed to determine size of backup: error when getting backup sizes: Exception while waiting for the Backup Inspector job to finish... container \"backup-inspector\" in pod... is waiting to start"If attempting to create SQL Server data images, this error may occur because the node does not have the "cloning-mssql-node" label set to 'true'.
  • If running an embedded cluster, you can label the node by running the commands from the section "Finish configuring the cluster by running kubectl commands" on this page.
  • If running an AKS cluster, check that the node pool label settings in the Azure AKS portal match the requirements on this page.

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