Redgate Clone

Installing on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to create AKS infrastructure and deploy the Redgate Clone solution onto it.


Create Kubernetes service

On the landing page of the Azure Portal, click on "Create a resource". Search for "Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)".

Click on "Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)" and then click "Create".

Select the Azure subscription you want to store the Kubernetes service in and create a new resource group for it.


You'll need to configure the AKS instance. We have some required settings here that differ from the defaults and are necessary for Redgate Clone to function correctly.

After changing settings from the four tabs shown below, click on "Review + create" and Azure will start creating your cluster. Wait for the creation process to complete before continuing.

SettingExpected value
SubscriptionThe Azure subscription you want to place the resource in
Resource groupWe recommend creating a new one for this service
Kubernetes cluster nameThis will name the Azure resource itself. "rgclone" is fine
Kubernetes version1.29.0
Automatic upgradeDisabled

SettingExpected value
Container networking configuration

Choose Azure CNI.  

NOTE: There's a new version of the Azure CNI called Azure CNI Overlay. We do not support the overlay version.

By default AKS uses two node pools (agentpool and userpool). We recommend leaving the agentpool node pool as default, and configuring two user mode node pools for the Redgate Clone application to use: Redgate Clone can be installed in just a single node pool. Leave the agentpool as default and configure userpool as follows:

Node sizeE8s_v5 (Recommended minimum)
Scale methodManual
Node count1
Max pods per node250


SettingExpected value
Azure MonitorOff

Install Redgate Clone to the AKS instance

Locate the "Kubernetes service" in the resource group created earlier.

You will need to complete some of the following steps in a bash shell. On Windows, please use WSL.

Connect to the AKS instance

From the Kubernetes service, there are instructions on how to connect that appear when you press the "Connect" button in the command bar at the top of the page.  Follow the instructions for the "Azure CLI".

Verify the connection is working with the command:

kubectl get nodes

You should see output similar to this:

Install Redgate Clone

Execute the following command in a bash shell.

curl | bash

Accept the default installation directory.

Execute the following command:

kubectl kots install cloning-capability-app

When prompted, enter "default" as the namespace to deploy to.

When prompted, choose and enter a password to use for connecting to the admin console. Remember this for later.

Configure Redgate Clone

Visit the admin console in a browser to continue setup at the location given by the previous command.

Continue as per the instructions given in the installation quick start guide, but with the following AKS-specific configuration values.

SettingExpected value
Disk sizeSize in GiB of the disk for data images and data containers. Default value is 100 GiB
Azure DNS Label

Must be unique to the Azure location of your AKS instance.

To learn more visit the Microsoft learn page on the DNS label.

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