Redgate Clone

Database Engine Support

This page provides details of the database engines supported by Redgate Clone and the Using the CLI commands that can be executed for each.


Supported database engines

Redgate Clone currently supports the following database engines

EngineVersionBackup Type

2019 Developer Edition,

 2019 Express Edition,

 2022 Developer Edition,

 2022 Express Edition

PostgreSQL11, 12, 13, 14, 15(tick)(tick)
Oracle19.3 (standard and enterprise)(tick)(error)

For more information on how to specify which engine and version to use in your data images, please check the Data image page.

Supported features per database engine

CLI command [reference]MSSQLPostgreSQLMySQLOracle
rgclone create data-image empty(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone create data-image backup(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone delete data-image(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone get data-image(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone create data-container(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone delete data-container(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone get data-container(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone save data-container(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone reset data-container(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
rgclone load data-container(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

System requirements

If you follow the recommended specification for your setup (Step 1 - Installation requirements) then memory usage will be the primary limiting factor for running data containers , outside of data storage .

Data containers have different memory requirements based on the database engine being used. See the sections for specific database engines below.

In addition to data containers, data image creation also involves a temporary database instance that can have slightly higher resource usage (mostly RAM), because of a resource intense backup restore process. This instance is cleared up at the end of the data image creation operation, so memory usage is not persistent.

In terms of values, these are slightly higher than for data containers but remember that this is a burst usage only during data image creation that gets freed immediately afterwards.

You can increase your data container capacity by adding disks to the cluster or by increasing the storage/memory of your existing nodes.

Tables below shows the default CPU and RAM requirements per action per database type. If required, these can be configured within the Admin Console.

CPU usageMSSQLPostgreSQLMySQLOracle
In-Progress Data Image (freed after creation) 500m250m500m1000m
Data Container (entire lifetime) 500m250m500m1000m
RAM usageMSSQLPostgreSQLMySQLOracle
In-Progress Data Image (freed after creation) 512Mi3Gi256Mi1Gi256Mi1Gi512Gi3Gi
Data Container (entire lifetime) 512Mi3Gi256Mi1Gi256Mi1Gi512Gi3Gi

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