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Script options

You can specify how SQL Refactor delimits identifiers that it introduces, for example when it generates script (such as when you use the Split Table refactoring), and when it modifies scripts (such as when you use Encapsulate As Stored Procedure).

SQL Refactor uses square brackets [ ] to delimit identifiers.

To set the option for delimiting identifiers, on the SQL Refactor menu, click Options, and then select the Scripts tab.

Select the Always delimit identifiers check box if you want SQL Refactor to delimit all identifiers that it introduces.

Clear the Always delimit identifiers check box if you want SQL Refactor to delimit only those identifiers that contain special characters or reserved words.

You can save your options settings to an options set so that you can reuse them later. For example, you may wish to save a number of different options sets that you can apply in different circumstances. You can also reset your options to the SQL Refactor defaults. For details, see Options sets.

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