Published 31 December 2012
Common issues
- Troubleshooting merging problems
- Troubleshooting pruning
- Troubleshooting name mangling
- Troubleshooting licensing and activation errors
- Protecting several assemblies
- Troubleshooting after building
Error messages
- 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types' when obfuscating a Windows Service
- This application has submitted too many reports
- The assembly [assembly] is being merged, but the dependent assembly [assembly] isn't. Either merge both assemblies, or neither.
- ERR 2002: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction
- The error report is not associated with a valid project ID
- This copy of [Program Name] has expired and will no longer run / This application has been built with an evaluation version of SmartAssembly
- Failed to load assembly. File is not a managed .NET assembly
3rd party components
Unexpected behavior and technical questions
- About map files
- How SmartAssembly searches for dependencies
- Moving SmartAssembly to another computer
- Serialization exceptions occurring in obfuscated assemblies
- Visual Studio Deployment Projects include unprotected builds
- SmartAssembly stack trace is invalid when Method Parent Obfuscation is enabled
- Upgrading SmartAssembly Standard to Professional
- Transferring SA data from mdb to SQL Server
- Protecting .NET Core's .exe files
- Obfuscating serializable types generated by the compiler